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Everything posted by JC03SS

  1. I spin a little with my cam only also. What was your time??
  2. Seen this a couple weeks ago. Dude has Giant nutz
  3. Damn. It's one of the nicest blue SS's I've seen. That price isn't high for yours.
  4. Eventually. After 8 years Id def get some new ones. There not to pricey.
  5. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CAwQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.speedengineeringlsx.com%2Fcomp-lsr-cam-231-239-617-624-113-lsa-54-459-11&ei=D4D_VKi8MomcgwTCh4S4Ag&usg=AFQjCNGv1bRP8tUZVcB0E4nZyu0dtiqKBw&sig2=x65rijiKGxUjuV_VXrysXw Why such a big cam. Say radical and all out race app. Unless you are gonna do a lot of other mods I wouldn't choose this cam
  6. Get it while it's apart throw a nice cam in it to match the stall. It will def be worth it.
  7. Can't go wrong with oem plugs, wires and filter. I personally use NGK with Taylor wires. Purolator fuel filter.
  8. Maybe you can clean the Hood Next
  9. Emailed the guy. Told him I hate to see the SS badge slapped on shit and call it an SS. Told him wasn't a bad looking truck and he'd be lucky to get 5k for it. Told him he was false advertising it. He replied (You Don't Have A Clue) so I sent him a pic of my truck and said Oh Yes I have a clue
  10. Put some resonators in that will know a lot of noise out of it.
  11. I've towed way heavier trailers than I should have with no prob. I'm stock height with 2" drop shackles in the rear. I tow my boat which isn't real heavy with 0 issues. If your gonna tow Over if say 7500lbs maybe look into air bags if not you are fine don't wast the money.
  12. Welcome aboard, I must warn you these trucks should have a warning label on them. There addicting haha. Let the mods begin. Go ahead and lock your credit cards and wallet in a safe
  13. The Truck looks Great Brandon. When are you gonna fire that bad boy up?
  14. There is nothing wrong with pacesetters. I've had min on since Sep 06. There still on no leashes and have about 90k miles on them.
  15. JC03SS

    The Storm

    Yeap gonna be quicker than you think. It will be impressive for sure.
  16. 231-638-1981 if you don't get through send him a text and let him know your from the SS Site and what you want him to do. He's very busy and he will get back to you. I just talked to him a few days ago.
  17. JC03SS

    The Storm

    I think faster Randy lol you are being conservative when zippy fine tuned it I think you will be closer to getting in the really low 11's.
  18. JC03SS

    The Storm

    Add they call me RB Lmao. Great looking parts now get them on and take us some more videos lol. Great job Randy Truck is Awesome.
  19. Zippy tunes are great I always recommend him. As far a exhaust if you like it don't change it. There are a bunch of good cai on the market just pic one. A good set of obx headers and a cai with a good tune will def wake up the truck.
  20. Lucky bastards I don't make shit and still get back nothing. Gotta keep giving it to the Non workers I guess.
  21. JC03SS

    GI.SS 06 SS Build

    Looking good Steve. Can't wait to see what kinda power this bad boy makes.
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