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Everything posted by Miller812

  1. Hey I don't know why but it won't let me pm you. If ya could shoot me one I wanna talk to ya bout getting a tune. Thanks

  2. Looks like a nice truck to me. I would put a pan on it for sure.
  3. Haha I was just guna put mine up to. Same thing with the pan lol. Glws
  4. Did you check the fuses under the hood?
  5. The engine looks really good. I like the painted coils.
  6. Jeez that's just nasty. They look hidious
  7. That would be so awesome. It would make plowin my big driveway so much easier. That thing is just so cool.
  8. I just ordered a pair about two weeks ago and another pair a week ago. That'll suck if they stop selling them
  9. That looks good. I like were you mounted that. I've been wantin to do the same thing just can't get motivated lol. Looks good and the ho looks good to with the clear corners!
  10. I just saw that on ebay they have a whole kit with centor console glove box and driver knee panel for like 330 and that was including shipping.
  11. Ya that wat I was thinkin they could do is just cut the tail pipe off and twist it up to the right position
  12. Ya it was towards the end of the day on there sat night. There loss tho. That's who I usually buy my rims from to. I might look elsewere now.
  13. that's wat I thought to. I think they just wanted to get more money outa me but instead lost my business. They said because on the exit of the stock muffler there offset (one higher then the other) that it would turn my tip into the ground and the only way they could do it was to dual it out.
  14. Well I brought my truck into lisacs tire shop today to have them throw my magnaflow muffler on that I got from 2bfast because there were no exhaust shops open today. Anyways I dropped it off and they said about an hour. I get a call about 45 minutes later thinkin it was done I was all excited and they said it wouldn't work without running duals out the back. I didn't want duals from them because they can never seem to get tips to be equal. So inow I gotta wait to go to a guy that does wonders with exhaust here because hell actually be able to do it. I just thought id tell ya guys, I was kinda mad about it
  15. I actually just got done mounting mine. Took me a couple hours to get it how I wanted it but turned out good. Just guna run with it like it is till spring then I'm Guna mold. It into the truck and it'll look waaaay better. Quality is very very goos. So glad I got one.
  16. Lol it would loook sweet and does look sweet on that setup you have but don't think I should spend the money on them lol. Thanks for bein truthfull tho. Glws
  17. Ok so probly not so good for my application, just on stock truck.
  18. I've never dealt with fuel rails before. Wat do they do for the truck?
  19. I can read but he said he was in a good mood and dropped the price of the whole kit so I was just seein was all. Sorry, my bad
  20. Good moods I like. How much for just the rear shackles shipped?
  21. Well you can always put a button anywere you like its just a matter of running the wires. Or if you have a remote start you can run the wires to the brain and hook it to your trunk wire and then you can open the gate with that.
  22. Ya I actually just got my bser pan in the mail today and it is definatley fiberglass. Ya definatly not a true bser I'm guessin. Maybe someone posing as him to get your moola.
  23. Ya that is really cool. Good idea I wanna do that to mine now to
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