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Everything posted by eeekroar

  1. Holy hell what a price! Someone buy my truck so I can get this one!!
  2. I got one sitting in my garage I still need to install. I'll sell it for two million.That's a steeeeealllll!
  3. That's a steal!! Someone needs to jump on these.
  4. Welcome, from MISSISSIPPI!!!
  5. Bought a new DD.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. RaMoN_88_SS


      I hope its 07+ cuz I heard those batteries life span is about 6 years..and then you will need to GET SUMMMMM batteries and those things ain't cheap...but I really never looked into them to see if it was true or not...I wish I got 50+ mpgs :(

    3. jddmj
    4. eeekroar


      Its a 2010. 100,000 mile warranty on battery

  6. welcome! Post some pictures up!
  7. I'm sure I would end up in the first guard rail, or if I was lucky enough to make it past that. I would end up sliding through the front of one of those stores.
  8. I swear the whole parking lot of Walmart is haunted by shopping cart ghost.
  9. I didn't mean to leave what I did in a comment. That's why I need a delete button
  10. EDIT: Someone make a delete button for my screw ups.
  11. Don't you have 5 gallons of arrival blue? Paint that beeyotch
  12. Mother-in-law coming to stay this weekend, AGAIN.Commiting suicide is an option

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Zebra


      Take heart, Monday is only about 63 hours away.

    3. f1ss


      Almost their. Go roast a bike tire if needed that might make her leave more quick today!

    4. eeekroar


      haha, I just bought a new tire Friday. Got another nail in it. That's three tires in 4 months.


  13. Welcome to the club. I got hit twice in one day last weekend. Both times I was sitting in it. The second one I rolled down the window and said, What the F***! So that pissed her off .So then she bumped her fat a** into her door as hard as she could,to swing it into mine, leaving a nice dent. Needless to say she needs a REALLY GOOD body man to fix the scratches that magically appeared down the side of her car when she went into the store.
  14. Holy crap that's really low miles. Welcome to the club
  15. Time for another DD

    1. rickyrick562


      Do I hear a rcsb

    2. eeekroar


      No no no.I'm driving 85 miles a day for my job so I need some better gas mileage, and riding in thunderstorms on a bike succcccckks

    3. Miller812


      enclosed scooter???? haha

  16. Truck looks awesome. I would love for mine to be blue, but painting door jams, and the engine bay is such a PITA. I've only change the color of one of my vehicles, and that was the one, and ONLY time.
  17. Heck, $1200 is less than what I pay for mine, with no tickets.So if you get it for that, I'd be happy.
  18. I'm pretty sure your insurance is going to be high then, no matter what vehicle you own.
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