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Posts posted by eeekroar

  1. Got mine today with a funny story to go alone with it.


    I was at Winn Dixie getting some steaks.I get to the check out, and the guy says..... "SIIIIIIILLLVVVEERR..............AAAADDOOOO????? What's that? " I said, "Silverado, you know... the truck." He then asked if I had one. I said," yes I have a SS." He then says, SS with a puzzled look. I said, "you know super sport." OHHHH. He then said,"do you wear that hat every day."I said, no. He looks at my girl, and asks her if I do. Then he says, What color is it. I told him. This is the funny part. He then ask,"who makes Silverados?" Ummm Chevy. He said," oh yeah.... I have a little S10." He then asked me if my truck was "fast." At this point my girl is laughing, and I couldn't tell if I was being punked, or if he was mildly stupid.

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