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Everything posted by texas_born

  1. I bought a set off ebay with the clear reflectors but the housing was black. The ones in the link look clear. Also one of my parking lights has moisture in it. I love the look of them though.
  2. I was thinking of shaving my door handles for looks/added security but then I'll just have more broken windows. If they want it bad enough they will do anything to get it.
  3. December 2011 almost lost my baby at work between noon and 2 pm. Not an ss but still my truck. Got in the same way as they did you. Didn't have an alarm. Must have been amateurs because they locked up the steering column and couldn't get it. Sucked. Then the insurance wanted to leave it there overnight because the shop i wanted to take it to was closed.......i said "so they could've come back and get it this time?" Now i have an alarm but still scared everywhere i park. Sucks we can't have nice things.
  4. Over the painted line yes. But that other driver crossed another line by touching his truck.
  5. I have this problem in my 05 single cab. Yes i have the dual Slider. I have never actually tried to figure out what it was just started to ignore it.
  6. I think i have the same model as you. My shock sensor is external and i can't adjust the sensutivity through the remote. I think you can only do it through the bit programmer. I had to take up alarm up to the guy that installed it 3 times before i was satisfied. And i added the glass break sensor to make it a little more sensitive.
  7. I have a 7 1/4 fitted cap that is a tad bit big. I'm not sure if i should get the s/m or m/l. Anyone one with the same size have any suggestions?
  8. On the 6th picture from the top..... The two black hats...... Is that two different colors for the stitching or the light hitting them differently? If different what color stitching is on the right hat?
  9. Looks very clean. Like the angry bird too lol
  10. Your truck is real nice. how long it it take for all the work from start to right now? I live in Arlington. Do you have your own shop?
  11. Nice welds man. I think you'll have a business sooner than you think.
  12. A portion of this road in Austin has been open for a while the speed limit was 80. Pretty exciting to drive on but my grandma was with me so i was watching my speed lol. Flat smooth road but when it gets foggy gotta be careful.
  13. I honestly check the forums everyday for an update to this thread. In my opinion I think this is one of the sickest trucks around.
  14. Where do you live? I'm on my phone and i don't see your location. Are they oem or reps??? nvm just saw the last pic
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