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Everything posted by Akslowroller

  1. Out for a rip on the river in town My buddies turbo'd assault
  2. Well I figured it out the other day. LEDs completely burnt and kind if started a small fire. But no bad fuse. So replaced the bulbs and presto changeo they worked. I just thought it was strange that both would go bad the same day
  3. I don't know if you've heard but miller is the sh*t. I would send it to him! He did all my interior pieces and they are nice
  4. That's was my first thought. And you may be able to just run a regular 4 channel?? Not sure never seen the harness at the Bose amp.
  5. So sick! I wonder if I can get all that chrome goodness for my SS! Hahahaha wow
  6. All of mine have been near the little red triangle light on the front of the deck. It's about the size of a ball point pen tip lol. Not very big but once you see it you will know.
  7. Kenwoods do have a reset button. I would definitely give that a shot.
  8. Your factory Bose amp could be messed up. Have you talked to your local car audio shop? They may have delt with a similar problem.
  9. Well one way to help make a criminal think twice is get a grant with the removable wheel option. That's in my trucks future. Only a small inconvenience but I know if I looked in a truck and thought about jackin it and there was no wheel I would think twice. But that's just me. Plus the grant wheels look kind of nice.
  10. I'm in the same boat. Truck doesn't fit in my garage. I looked at a similar place and even test fit my truck in that garage. Then when I moved into my place my truck didn't fit. I was like WTF. Owner said the two garages are different because the bathrooms are different. Oh well I guess my snowmachine has a warm place to sleep
  11. I am so far away from that day but I can only imagine. Congrats brother!
  12. I love my steel hood. All the fiberglass holds I have delt with I am always worried about them braking or something weird happening to them in the cold. So I went steel. But that's just my .02
  13. I say a guy can ask whatever he wants for his stuff. However if its higher than every other like part than people will say what these guys are sayin. Just don't be surprised when you sit on that part for a while.
  14. It sucks that people are targeting our tucks. I don't think it has become an issue in my little town but damn I hope it never does it I will have to figure out a way to hide the SS at night. Like stated above and in a other thread how many parts we see on Craigslist are stolen.
  15. Looks sick. Probably one of the coolest mods a guy can do
  16. Nice! Been thinking of doing green or orange myself. Looks good though
  17. Light the above states my plate lights stopped working tonight. No bad fuses and its kind if hard to believe both LEDs went out at the same time. Anyone with any ideas let me know. I will start checking everything with a DMM tomorrow.
  18. Nice line up. And yes that is a sexy SS. Always been a color i liked.
  19. I was in the same boat last year. Never owned a handgun and only shot a few. I had the opportunity to buy an xd subcompact .45 for a bargain and went for it. For 6 mos. it was the only pistol I had. Then I took a bear safety class and my concealed carry class and shot several different guns. Since I have been buying every gun that I could and I have to say my favorite is my S&W 39 9mm. Reliable and very user friendly. I kind of wish a 9 would have been my first. Also a thing to consider is if you do go with a .45 and you want to shoot every weekend you can buy a .22 pistol. That's what I did. Shoot like 500-1000 rounds every weekend and it only runs me about 30 bucks. Where as shooting my .45 would cost me like 150. But I do think that anyone buying a gun should take a NRA firearms class to get familiar with laws and beginner skills. It's amazing the small things a person wouldn't think of that a fire arms instructor can address to make you a better shot. Let us know what you get!
  20. I just love the fact that with a site like this there isn't a question that can't be answered. If your a guy that takes his truck to the dealership for everything than I guess it's not a big deal. But I like making sure my truck gets exactly what it needs.
  21. Looks legit. Nice work man. Can't wait to see it all finished.
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