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Posts posted by BlueAWDSS

  1. Line x in my bed. Not sure how long but I've had it for almost 2 years. Love it. Agreed with plastic liners. They do more damage then good. They are also known to rust beds out. Stuff gets stuck under it and trapped. Will never know unless you remove it.


    Sent from my PantechP8010 using Tapatalk 2

  2. It is possible. But will take a lot of time and homework. And money. I am also into old school turbo mopars. There is also guy that is on the cusp of 9's but it took him 7 years and am lot of time. I'll see if I can find the youtube video of his car. Mind it is also full street and daily driven in the summer.


    Sent from my PantechP8010 using Tapatalk 2

  3. Yeah due to circumstances in my winter beater car the SS had to see this snow fall. But it will get a thorough wash and cleaning and give back into hibernation Monday. Must say this thing is a beast in the snow. Which sucks. But next fall I will be picking up a Denali for the family hauler. So snow with a lq9 AWD is not done.


    Sent from my PantechP8010 using Tapatalk 2

  4. I love people that wear or put up the rebel flag. I ask them what it stands for. After they get done explaining what it stands for for 15 minutes I tell them what it stands to me in one word. Surrender . Man does that get them lost for words and red quickly.


    Sent from my PantechP8010 using Tapatalk 2

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