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Posts posted by aerosys

  1. Sounds to me like you have a loose chain. I had the same exact issue with mine just recently. I replaced my chain and it went away. I'm not saying I think it's for sure your chain, but I'm just sharing my experience with you. Regardless, I agree with Blown 346, hard to say until you get into the transfer case.

  2. Thanks guys the chain works beautifully and gives me a lot more of a response. I know it's only like 80 bucks, but at the moment, I can't do it. I'll definitely be purchasing one soon whenever I do a minor "rebuild" of the transfer case which I hope will be soon. I'll just get new bearings, o-rings, seals, that kind of stuff. Yeah, going back into the transfer case will be a lot of work, but having done it once before, I'm very confident I'll be able to knock it out in a long day. Thanks for the help and replies!

  3. It doesn't happen continuously in reverse. As I put the truck in reverse, the normal clunk sounds and when I give it some gas and start moving is when I hear it so it isn't continuous. If it was, I would surely not have driven it. And as stated, it's only when going in reverse from drive or rarely park. At the moment it is dark and rainy so I won't be able to really test it or grease the splines tonight. I'm really hoping it'll just be something little, but that's just wishful thinking. Thanks for the reply and I'll report back as soon as I get under the truck and take a look around. If anyone else has anything else to add or agrees with what has been said, please say so. I'm still wanting some more feedback to keep me going. Haha, I just really love this truck and want my mind eased.

  4. Hi, just replaced a chain in my transfer case. Truck has 200,000 miles so it was majorly over due. I put everything back correctly and even double checked my work with videos, pictures, and schematics. Ever since I put the transfer case back in, whenever I go from drive to reverse, I 80% of the time, hear a pop. Now going from drive to reverse, it never EVER happens. Only when going from drive to reverse. The truck drives beautifully and is way more responsive with the new chain. I've driven it about 20 miles since I've put the transfer case back in and nothing questionable has happened other than the popping. I've tried to isolate the noise as best as one person could and it seems to be coming from the transfer case, but more from the part where the front axle hooks up. Now one thing I failed to do was mark the axel with the front differential and transfer case so I'm not sure it was put back EXACTLY how it was, but I didn't think that would cause an issue. Also, I did not re grease the splines of where the axles go into the transfer case. Again, I didn't think it would cause an issue just leaving the grease that was in there, in there. Maybe the majority on it was rubbed off? I'm not sure, but before I go tearing into the transfer case again which is something I really want to avoid, I figured I would post it here to see if anyone had any insight that would solve my problem. Thanks in advance guys!

  5. Hey, just have a quick question. My chain is really loose on my transfer case and I have it apart and ready to have the chain replaced. I wanted to take it apart first to confirm my initial thoughts that the chain was loose. My question is will this http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=120695254448 chain work on my transfer case? Says it's for NP149 so I'm guessing it will, but just wanted to run it by you guys before I go ordering parts I'm not 100% about. Thanks in advance

  6. Hi guys, I just recently removed my transfer case so I could replace the chain. The slack in it has gotten bad. Well, upon putting the transfer case on the work bench, I noticed that the transfer case has been broken into before. Not really an issue, but then as I began removing bolts, I noticed that 3 of the case bolts were stripped. I removed them by taking a rubber mallet and hitting the next smallest socket onto them. Worked great for removing them, but I do not wish to use the same stripped bolts whenever I put the case back together. I was curious if there was a site that sold these bolts or maybe you guys know where I can acquire some. I have looked everywhere and have only found rebuild kits, chains, and more, but they do not come with the bolts. I understand you can go get a bolt from any home improvement store, but I know the case is magnesium and that it isn't a good idea to throw certain metals at it or they can easily seize up or something of that nature. Sorry to have to many topics and so many questions, I just know someone here has the answer. Thanks in advance guys!

  7. Haha, I need the bolts off of it, but don't have the money to buy the whole thing. I can't seem to find anywhere online that sells the case bolts. I was taking mine apart for repairs and it's obviously been opened up before because two out of all of them were stripped. If I had the money, I'd buy it man. Good luck!

  8. Hi, I have seen many different answers upon searching around the internet. I need to know what transfer case the 2003 Silverado SS comes with. I have heard NVG149, NP149 and more. I have my transfer case out and ready to be worked on. I'm just not at home at the moment to be able to see what's on the transfer case itself. I'm wanting to start ordering my rebuild parts and chain right now. I waited until I had my transfer case out and inspected to make sure a new chain was needed before I ordered a $140 chain. Haha, If anyone could please point me in the right direction, I would much appreciate it. Thanks in advance!

  9. Hi everyone, I bought my Silverado SS a couple of months ago and ever since I've had it I've noticed that when I turn sharp while in motion, the truck makes a weird sound. Not really loud or dangerous sounding, but more like a dry low tone "roar/moan." I haven't gotten a chance to take off my wheels and inspect it (due to my old floor jack going out on me), but before I purchase another jack and get a chance to do so, I was wondering if anyone has had the same issue or if this is a common issue. From what little mechanical experience I have, I'm guessing a boot is worn out and the internals are dry or something of that nature. The truck does have around 216k miles on it, which is why I make the assumption I do, but as stated before I was just wondering what you guys' thoughts were and if anyone else has had the same issue and has found a fix. Thanks in advance!

  10. Hi guys, about to change the wires and plugs on the 03 SS. Just curious as to what size gap I should be going with. I'm going to go with MSD wires and NGK TR5 V-Power plugs. I have read anywhere from .30 - .60 as for a gap. Which one should I go with and why? What will a smaller gap help where a wider gap fails and vice versa. Thanks in advance guys and sorry if there has been a topic about this already. I searched and searched, but could only find topics of the which plugs and wires to choose, but not really talking about gapping. Again, thanks in advance!

  11. Hi, lately if i really ever "get on it" with the SS, I hear about 2 pops coming from the middle of underneath the truck. You can also sort of feel it. The motor and transmission are fine. I can't even feel the transmission shift it's in such great shape and it doesn't even sound remotely close to the motor. The truck has 215k miles, but has been VERY well taken care of. I could be wrong, but I'm believing that the noise I'm hearing is coming from the transfer case. I've noticed that if I just drive the truck, the noise never occurs, but it's like it's only when I really get on the throttle is where it occurs. If I drop the truck in first gear, I can get it to happen repeatedly, due to the high torquing at such a low gear. It's still a consecutive 2 pops. If I don't get on it a bit, it never happens. The truck rides as smooth as butter. I'm thinking that maybe the chain is loose and needs to be replaced or I need to buy a rebuild kit with the back half of the casing and bearings, etc. The main driveshaft has a little bit of play and I've noticed a bit of grease around where it enters the transfer case. I was curious if anyone has any idea for the ideal online store to purchase such a rebuild kit. Or maybe someone has experienced the same issue and knows I'm un-accurate at the source of my popping. Thanks in advance guys!

  12. Yeah, definitely couldn't have made a better deal from an even greater seller. Has done nothing but helped me tremendously since I have first called him about buying the truck. Since the cat swap, the engine light has went off, and the truck runs like a charm. Couldn't ask for a smoother running truck. Still can't believe it has the miles that it does. Has definitely been taken care of.

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