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Posts posted by SSmoothSilSS

  1. Look around for a better interest rate you should be able to find at least a %5 rate. And get the home inspection, if the inspector finds something wrong but a minor fix you can use it to bargin the price down. For instant if the house has LP Siding, most people got a rebate check several years ago and never replaced it. I got $10,000 off the purchase of my home for this.



  2. Right now it goes in the bank, until the economy turns around, I have bought wheels and tires for the truck but I was do for tires so I went with what I wanted, I canceled my new Camaro SS order, until I know that my job is safe I will try to save.


    But I am looking into the cost of dropping the truck, I might do it myself so the cost will just be parts.

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