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Everything posted by ces63ss

  1. MAN seems we have been having a rash of house fires. People please be carefull overloading your elctrical systems due to wall heaters.
  2. cool pictures. our those pictures recent? from cal to edwards in florida. looks like the space ship can be replaced with a new 1.
  3. diet first of. Get down to about 190lbs, which should be easy once you start running everyday about 3 mile in no more than 18mins. push yourself to do it. at first you will clock yourself around 20 mins. work it down to under 18mins. sit-up start off lgiht. try doing 50in around 2-3 mins. than cut it down. once you can do 55 in about 1.5 minutes push yourself to do them in the required time. Eat bannanas for the cramps and drink plenty of water and not more than 1 gatorade or so. They have a lot of salt and other crap. Good luck and keep us posted.
  4. LOOKS GOOD MAN. Now lets see the bike!
  5. welcome fellow cali. lets see some pictures of your right. oh yeah, GO NINERS
  6. bar far the 90's lightnings are the best looking L's they had. Bad pair of Biatches yo god there. I see you also like the fastest color out there BLACK. MORE PICTURES AND INFO ON THE L.
  7. very nice looking sss. what drop is that?
  8. man sorry to hear about your truck beening stolen. did you have lojack or any kind of tracking device. I hope they find your truck.looks like you had a clean looking ss.
  9. sounds like you might be fubar!
  10. damn only if you were closer!!! I have someone looking for 1 for his 04 sss he blew-up.
  11. how about picking up a rear end from a AWD? we have the 4:10 gears in it already. only thing you wuold have to change is the break set-up since early models had disck breaks vs drums. I would if not leave it to the pros like mentioned. Find a hot od shop in vegas and have them price it out. you would be really pissed if you thrashed a set of gears if you dont set them up right. my .02 cents
  12. looks good. when I get my house I hope to get a bull terrier for my son.
  13. damn sounds good. were is art at now-a-days ?
  15. free bump for a good seller
  16. /\/\/\/\ make sure its warm. that is your problem. its too cold when you are painting it more then likely.
  17. sorry for hijacking hi post, but while on the topic. Which one will give you beter mpg? I know I cant have the best of both worlds, HP and great MPG, but I dont want to give up too much on the MPG.
  18. that is about the only bad thing on the pioneer, the nav. the kenwood has a little better nav vs pioneer but the i-pod control is superior on the pioneer. looks good. you get the module for the steering wheel controls?
  19. what color was it? I can possible buy it pick it up since he local and then I can send it out,but cladding has to be black I need the rh forward peice on the bed.
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