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Everything posted by Bonj87

  1. i went thru the local dealership. we have an acct there. 100 bucks is all they can do. kinda makes you mad but whatever.. I cant let the SS limp around with one nostril. thats just silly, and it would be more to fix it I am sure.. maybe I will try one nostril! love it! im the same way after the boxes smashed into the blue hulk.... mine could be fixed i suppose if one glues the retainer back on.. want me to remove it for you? lol
  2. yeah man.. im feeling a bit better about it now. hey, as long as my stuff gets fixed.. thats what im concerned about. i got my new hitch today. i just started painting the bolts blue LOL.. i figure, why the hell not right? im also painting the brackets i got from another member blue. im not tryin to be the most blue truck, but i figure if im putting 'new' parts on, i might as well protect them with some fresh paint.. at least for a little while I just wish the engine paint i put on the exhaust didnt burn off.. it looked so sweet when it was painted. i didnt think exhaust got hot enough to burn off engine paint. and it had like 10 coats on it too.
  3. zippy.. i tried to pm you and email you. i want to talk to you about a stealth shift kit at some point.
  4. I just got my hitch from creederado. its fantastic! a little more purple than i expected, but sweet anyway he sent me the mounting bolts AND the round connector for the hitch electrical thanks so much buddy! i cant wait to get the SSS back from the body shop and start putting this on by the way, there was another member here looking for that connector. ill send you the one off my old hitch once its off.. just let me know who you are.
  5. so far, the estimate on the truck came in at $1637.10, with a $500.00 deductible. They are pre ordering the parts needed. The guy with the dodge agreed to pay me $500.00 to cover my deductible. so hopefully by next week the SSS should be back in order. and my new hitch just showed up!
  6. LOL i just had the body shop take all the pics and information im waiting to hear from them right now.. then i start the non stop phone calls "meet me at this location with my deductible.." type stuff.
  7. quick update i called my insurance, and the other guy's insurance is a broker.. would take forever and a day to get reimbursed so the claim is going on my insurance.. but according to my agent, it will not affect my rates AND i may have a 0 dollar deductible since someting hit me.. comprehensive coverage. i also get 25 bucks a day for a rental car. im gonna get an estimate today, and have them pre order the parts and what not so they can have the truck as little as possible. im also going to give this guy the courtesty of a phone call to tell him how much its going to cost to repair. i will tell him to give me my deductible, unless i get the 0 dollar one.. id love to get 500 from him anyway, but i think that technically becomes fraud.
  8. chris, great to see you. even though i have the underseat storage, perhaps I can drive out to see you and donate my truck for test fitting for a production model of your box. I dont need it, but maybe for my donation, we can work out a deal on something else (nothing for free, im not like that ask frank...)maybe justa killer deal on something.. we can talk.. i gotta get my damage fixed first.. god i hope the insurance will get me a rental pickup, cuz i have to do some rock shows and need to pull my trailer to get the equipment to the shows. Hey Frank.. would you rent me the tahoe, if its fixed, for 2 nights? oh by the way, chris.. glad to see you got home ok, with no problems. nice friggin ride! I do miss my optima red battery i had in my old truck.
  9. can i borrow that card to fix my truck?
  10. i couldnt get the Q.. i wound up getting the dash by t mobile
  11. thanks Stiff! by the way, i loved your truck.. if I was a guy into roll pans, id want mine done just like yours! in fact, the integrated license plate makes me wonder how hard that would be to do in the front!
  12. i dont think so, cuz he did hand him back his license. he's got some fly by night insurance, called United Equitable, so im nervous about getting them to fix it.
  13. what sucks is that i have to pull my trailer for a private rock show im producing at a company party next saturday. i cant do that if it goes in the shop. and i dont want to incur the costs of renting a big truck just cuz some jag load doesnt know how to tie down his truck properly. it would be great if i could get a rental truck with a trailer hitch on it.
  14. its a good thing im off tomorrow to play phone tag with the insurance, body shop, and rent a wreck places. but i do have a job interview tomorrow.. might not make it.
  15. i could not kick him.. the cops were there... i got his info, and ill be goin to the body shop tomorrow morning he tried the "lets not get insurance involved" crap.. and i was like "sure, sure. whatever".. but im going straight to the insurance. im not fookin around. i want to cartman his nuts.. "bad kitty!!!" i mean, could you believe what happened? imagine if i was driving a small car, or worse.. my harley..id be road splat.. its almost funny when you think about how i just plowed right thru his anniversary present for his wife.. a new dinette set. i mean, the SS made splinters out of it..!!!
  16. yeah man, it was alot of fun UNTIL..... on my way home (allballz saw it happen), some dumb ass in a dodge was transporting furniture with little or no tie down.. the boxes lifted, right out of the truck, bounced of a car and smashed right into me!!!! i didnt know there was damage until allballz pulled up to me i went back and got a police report.. but you have no idea how mad i am.....
  17. now we know what the 'P' stands for in "mister p"
  18. anyone wanna run a carfax for me? LOL
  19. according to KBB, it would possible also still cost me 10 grand.. maybe if i pay off my SSS fast, i can arrange a personal loan.
  20. id like to reclaim my old 1999 silverado.. it was my dad's and i inherited it after he passed away. like a fool (some would say im not a fool), i traded it in on my SSS. i would like to know, since I have the VIN, if there's a way to track it down.. id like to see if the current owners would sell it back to me.
  21. ok. i fell into the idea of free post for my 500th LOL..
  22. w00t one more and i hit....... (see next post)
  23. i used 4 bars on my sister's 75 ford larait monster truck. it looked like showroom shape when i was done.. i was amazed
  24. i am all jazzed up for it. hey.. maybe ill have an SSS gathering at my house when i want to do my bumper\hitch work. LOL show up.. i bbq and we all work on the truck hahahahahahaha
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