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pimp ss

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Everything posted by pimp ss

  1. i need a 20 inch spare to clear my spindles.
  2. yeah keep the sss and trade the xtreme.
  3. i can break loose all of my 22,s in wet weather but i dont really drive in wet weather anymore.
  4. this is what my tv looks like my boss made the bezel out of the factory piece.
  5. pimp ss

    New SS

    sounds like a nice truck man.
  6. hey i need one wheel and tire for a spare if you guys know of anybody with one junk yard or whatever.
  7. Can i get one of you guys to make me one of those sweet sigs my pictures are on the post i started in video and photography.I would really appreciate it i want my truck with my wife but i have to post pics of my wife.can i get someone to make me one for now.
  8. Would look nicer if the bezel was covered with vinyl that matched the console like mine.I will post a picture tomorrow.
  9. I have the street scene speed grille.
  10. Hopefully gonna buy me and my wife four wheelers .
  11. From your post i'd guess you are in your teens or possibly early 20s.. don't worry 90% of people they do get over it and become normal sensible people who's lives are worthwhile.... whats the addiction to $$$$$ about.... everyone would probably like more than they have, but its not everything.... i think i'm the richest person on the planet, I am happily married to the best woman in the world, shes my Lover my best friend and shares my love of trucks and performance, my parents both Love Me, I have great friends who offer me help and advice (even when i don't need it lol its what friends do lol) i have Dogs that are always pleased to see me..These are things that cost nothing but give you most pleasure and they will come to you sooner or later life is more than just $$$$ now on the bad side i am disabled from a car accident i have a lower back problem, Rheumatoid Arthritis and Diabetes Type 2,and use a walking stick but every morning i check the News, within a few minutes i can see 100s if not 1,000 of people who are in a worse position than me, it kinda puts everything in perspective... look around you will soon appriciate your own life with or without the $$$$$.... Life is what you make of it not how much you can spend on it.. Beer is OK but don't let it take over.. its for recreational use only Hope you get yourself sorted soon buddy, try helping people less fortunate than yourself,you'd be suprised how good it can make you feel in yourself. good luck all the best eamonn <{POST_SNAPBACK}> That's a good way to look at things. Every time I'm feeling down I'll hear about how someone overcame a much worse situation than I, then my problems seem to disappear. Or my kids do something so incredibly cute, then I realize why I'm here. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Also The main reason I quoted Eamonn's reply is because I agree whole heartedly with what he said. Your A#1 main problem is that you need to grow the F up. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> You could have way worse problems.
  12. count me in i want april thats my birthday or june thats my trucks birthday.
  13. ive got a k40 works pretty good
  14. i like your truck too mando517 those are pimp wheels.
  15. congrats on keeping you and the truck out of the elements.
  16. I have magnaflow 2 in 2 out sounds awesome and it is polished No tailpipes.
  17. Hope the ford guy gets what hes got coming any chance i can get one of those stock 20s for a spare. Hope you are gonna get another SSS
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