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Everything posted by Z4pp

  1. After 18 months?? woah dude you have a serious deficiency of something here. Age? Weight? Bf %? After 18 months, even all natural should be rackin up 300 lbs at least on the benchpress.
  2. What are you guys doing looking at my house?
  3. its back up!! so haha :] myspace kicks ass XD you need to try it ss silv!
  4. lol!! thats why i got a sidekick 3 haha :]
  5. I don't know what im going to do with my life!!! If myspace is down!!! :[
  6. Two ML of deca in your butt should do help a lot! GOGOGO lol jk What are you currently using to benchpress??? You also might be overworking your triceps and that will cause them to fail. I usually just do flat bench, pulldowns, tiger dips, and a few with dumbells... i was 155 lbs benching 315 :] So that worked for me, but I guess everyone has a different body type!
  7. I agree but that vs a stock z06 would be pretty close... would be pretty funny too having your whole family in the suv and then lining up against a stock c6 corvette and spanking it! that would be weird!
  8. http://www.caranddriver.com/specialtyfiles...kee-srt600.html EHHH WOW!!! Thats incredible.
  9. That show is funny and sad at the same time. Mostly funny though!
  10. Why is everyone hating!!! That truck is CLEAN!!!!
  11. Put the stock intake on and see if it goes away. If not then its probably the MAF sensor. For the steering problem, It's a very common problem with chevy trucks. Feels like the steering wheel is clunking huh? Well theres lot of threads about it. Just hit that search button. Search steering column clunk or something. You'll find one.
  12. First SS in the 10s YOU CAN DO IT CHASE!!!
  13. I agree, they hang a tad bit to low!!! But other than that they sound great! And your truck is very nice!
  14. True true, I don't hate no one, I have a lot of patience and tolerance for people. Ignorant or whatever, but yes I agree with you. And yes your starting to sound like Ghandi. Your trippen me out man!
  15. Definitely worth the 5000, original 60k! thats amazing man! Good paint all good. Take it for sure!
  16. I agree, but if my daughter was raped 3 times, im sure I would hate hispanics as well. I understand where they come from on that one. But like I have said, each culture\race has their bad people as well as their good. Some more than others I guess... But yeah most of those groups you just named, [except maybe the gays ] only have activities and meetings to create more hate and spread the word of hate... kkk even uses jesus to try to spread the word? I don't know, what to say anymore, I keep offending people. Ill just be quiet now. :]
  17. AMEN!!!! THATS IT BRO thats exactly what everyone should have thought to them as kids.
  18. Good rant and yes im half hispanic. But if I had to choose which country id definitely choose the USA. Just because its been so good to me, so I am not putting white people down or w\e. I'm just saying IMHO from my short life ive experienced a lot of racism... and its ALL been from white people. I don't know any other race who is as openly racist. Im not saying all white people are racist. Infact my best friends are white, american and one german. We openly harass each other with typical slurs... [nazi, beaner, cracka] but we still get along and just joke around. I got maced by a ****ing officer who was obviously racist because I made a sudden move. Is everyone that scared of minorities? And yes he was white. When his commanding officer showed up to the scene. He arrested my dad for public intoxication, although he was inside the house... I didn't know it was illegal to be drunk inside the safety of your own home? Another one... my ex gfs mom thought i wasnt good enough for her daughter... she was white... I am 18 years old, I drive a 45 thousand dollar truck, I dress clean, 100$ shirts sometimes. I dont even look all that mexican. I have a job and a loving family. And im still not good enough. SHIT I DRIVE A BETTER CAR THAN HER PARENTS DO. But nope. Even through all that you would think I would hate white people. But no I don't because I don't and I refuse to believe all white people are like this. I am smarter than those nazi, KKK, black panther w\e ignorant bigots and I hate being judged by the color of my skin or the language I speak. Sorry If I might have offended you or made you mad NTMID8R SS, but I was speaking strictly from personal experience. I don't know if you know what it feels like to be hated and told your not good enough because of something you cannot control, but I do and it sucks. :shakehead: :shakehead:
  19. So what your saying that ALL the hundreds of thousands of Hispanic people who protested a few months back are all in FACT illegals? I highly doubt that sir. I say a small percent of them where if any. I'm sure they know that its probably not in their best interest to be out in public demanding rights in a country they have no legality in. But yes you bring up a good point. All the groups you just named are equally as retarded and full of hate. They are a bunch of uneducated bunch of hate mongers. Also they probably where raised the same way, with racists parents or ancestors that tought them to hate. IMO anyone who hates a whole race for stereotypical reasons is a huge idiot. Every race has their good and their bad. EVERY RACE! No race is perfect. No race is close to it. But in all fairness to the other groups. "Whitey" started it.
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