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Everything posted by Z4pp

  1. What kind of Hp would an awd 04 SS put down stock with those parts?
  2. Would you part out the amp? And If so how much?
  3. my buddy saysssssssss hell give u 275 for them + shipping circle y for yes circle n for no lawl :]
  4. I might take you up on this? What do you think installation would cost????//
  6. download it and go here http://www.wheelenvizio.com/?wheel=Envizio
  7. Maybe because your 2wd! But maybe ill take out a loan or sell a kidney to buy a supercharger! :[
  8. Well both these races happened in less than 30 minutes! 1st the 06 Auto Mustang was right on my ass, and I already speed like everywhere I go so I knew he wanted to play so I accelerate to a light get over and we both get a red. He had a nice looking girl in his passenger seat. I saw her lookin Anyways light turn greens and I stomp on it. I immeadiately get in front of him! maybe a 3\4 truck length I stay in front until about 55 then he starts reeling me in slowly and at about 70 mph he was about 1 mustang length in front :[ And he immediately turned off into the next street? He won? I dunno why he got mad? :] maybe a full size truck keeping up with him!! maybe thats why?! I was on my way to pick up my buddy Cody, so I just kept going and picked him up! Then as we where leaving I spot a red 1999ish Lightning driven by these hardcore gangster dudes lol and I dont think they where very happy about me dropping the hammer @ 30mph right next to them :] Anyone who knows anything about their truck knows the 30 mph hammer drop looks and feels pretty nice :] So he immediately cut the guy behind me off and got on my ass... then we got a red, but it was in the turning lane, and I lower my window and ask him if he wants to race on this local street that is usually pretty empty that we where like a block down from. So hes like alright cool, and I asked him if he was stock and he gave me the smile, everyone knows what smile lol. So I already know the out come... So we went down the road a bit and got off on Edison Hwy. :] So we catch a red and im ready baby, i know I have to get a good launch and keep it as long as I can! So I footstall to 1500 rpms and we just wait. Bam light turns green I Immediately got 1 or 2 trucks in front of him! I was gone! I beat him to 30,40,50,60, and as soon as I hit 70 and my truck shifted up to third he flew by me like a bat out of hell man. He put at least a truck on me to 80. It was infuriating! but I actually did a whole lot better than I thought I would! Even my friend Cody was like DAMN you held him off for a long time! But yeah good times... I gave him the thumbs! and I flipped an AWD brody :] smoke and everything lol. And I went home! :] Good times, but :[ I lost to two fords in less than 30 mins! I really need some mods!!!! Anyone know why our third gear refuses to pull? Its horrible its like as soon we hit third we loose 1\2 hp. What mods do I need to fix this? Remember im all stock. And flowmasters dont much hp IF any.... so :] Those are my stories for Jan 5, 2007 :]
  9. Z4pp

    Beware of the EVO 9

    Yeah thats pretty lame! Also have you seen the commercial for the cobra where the guy takes his new cobra to the autobahn and you see the cobra flying by a carrera gt... YEAH please... the carrera would anihilate that ford in two seconds! Specially on the autobahn...
  10. Sorry ladies the local guy, Jim came through! so its all gone!! sorry it took me so long to reply but with the holidays, I was never sober enough to operate a computer :[
  11. The roll pan was damaged so its not good, the only things i could really salvage are the wing and the lights and some interior i want those seats but hes not letting me touch them, but we are waiting for the paperwork for the insurance, before we start dismantling it so ill pm all you back, the local guy seems a bit more interested but my buddies tell me hes a flake, so just a matter of time.
  12. I could use it! :] im hungry. Well im off to Mcdonalds :]
  13. What exactly is the difference between the intimidator wing and rst wing? Just curious? Because I have an RST wing and not sure if I want to sell it or put it on the SS.
  14. SOLD!!! OMG OMG OMG SOLD!!! Sorry ladies the local guy, Jim came through! so its all gone!! sorry it took me so long to reply but with the holidays, I was never sober enough to operate a computer :[
  15. really loud and proud man!!! I love it!
  16. Pictures are small, but looks good none-the-less. Project cars always fun! Gives you a good sense of pride when you tell people you put that bad sucker together!! Good luck with it and good job!
  17. Thats get you banned pretty quickly. Im just gonna keep my thoughts to myself now. :]
  18. Me too, was banned for 3 days, had to find a new website to troll in for those days, just ended up looking at porn for 3 days straight, true story.
  19. That kinda makes me sad seeing one of our trucks destroyed like that but hey 9500 thats a deal!!! If the engine turns over anyways, shouldnt take too much money to get it back in tip top shape, plus the paint still looks good
  20. Z4pp

    Titan Info

    Wait nvm his truck is seriously modded!
  21. AHHHHHHh what a time to be broke!! STUPID HOLIDAYS!!! Id very much love to take that hood and sway bar off your hands but damn it im broke, maybe after christmas and new years come in, ill have some cash to spend on my self!
  22. Z4pp

    6 affairs

    You do know that 1 in 7 childred in the USA is illegitimate?! Mr. P. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Really? Whos your source? DNA Testing facility here I come!
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