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Everything posted by Z4pp

  1. Trojan is the only way to go.
  2. Who will do the work? US. The mexicans.
  3. Fu** those fools up. Don't be afraid to use a weapon, bats and the metal bars for the jacks work really good. Get a camera too! Get this on video for sure. If someone fu**ed with my truck or car I would smash their faces in and burn their car to the ground.
  4. Thats why our SS'S have those nice big leather seats. :] Accommodate those big asses. :]
  5. HEY!! DON'T INSULT BROBRADHS avatar!! pix plz :]
  6. If you where closer and it was m6 i would take it off your hands right now.
  7. Latinas and White Women are the way to go :] 8======D <3
  8. g35 FTW low end MBs are not very good.
  9. <--- jealous!!! Very nice man!
  10. Z4pp

    Famoso Raceway

    14.9 Its all good just ran a 14.9 :[ stock tho haha :] no one else went?
  11. Z4pp

    Famoso Raceway

    Anyone going??? besides me? :]
  12. Yokozuna died too!!! ;[ WTF man where have I been :[
  13. beer Turbo Or Supercharger
  14. Trade me lives? :] Oh, I sell crack to the local kids for my money? Pretty easy money.
  15. LOL LOL LOL good ol' mexican drawings :] its an unhappy face to top it off why not a winky or a happy one ;)
  16. Z4pp


    Some are hypocrites huh? Gotten a lot of those, but I have yet had anyone say anything about my tail lights and they are not tinted but matched black. And the light is perfectly visible at night and in the day time. Some cops are just douches.
  17. Z4pp


    <3 congrats +1 for me :]
  18. OMG this is a murder for sure! :[ Think its some big wrestling conspiracy to keep them quiet about something? This is sad. I used to watch him wrestle when I was a kid. :[
  19. I have the same LED bulbs :] I <3 them
  20. Ive been watching that guy fight for a while. He is very good and agressive, but gannon took his ass down! :]
  21. and thats why! I can't believe he walked away from that, or even SURVIVED!
  22. http://kalecoauto.com/index.php?main_page=...;products_id=22 Some of you guys may need this one badddddddd
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