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Everything posted by kissfans03ss

  1. that about sums it up for me I heard beer prices are going up to...no lie boys
  2. Sounds like me last weekend going to a buddies lakehouse,left the house picked up my friends and hed up on the way i get pulled over by a statie to find my speedo 10mph off(ticket reduced to def. instr. cluster),when i get there i realized i for my sleeping bag,toothbrush etc.the next day we head home i finally make it back to my buddies on fumes only to hear a hissing noise which turns out to be a hole in my tire courtesy of a nail i ran over and got pulled out so now i high tail it to the local garage and luckily the were able to repair it,so now i am a block from my house thinking nothing else could possibly right..wrong as i am pulling into my driveway out of the corner of my eye i see something flying toward my truck next thing you know one of the birds flies right in my driverside window hits the pass. window and tries to get out through the windshield,so now its just flying around the pass side dash/window area crapping all over my dash,it finally got out but now i had some bird poop to clean. Sorry to haer of your bad day but youre not the only one who gets em some get them worse than others hopefully your downswing turns up soon. wuh that feels good to get off my chest.
  3. the shifter actually doesnt look bad especially when you are in the driver seat i can invision it being there,hey the Ford F-150 has a console shifter why not us.Good job Dozer.
  4. Nice wriye up Chase and thanks for the updates.BTW i also noticed the truck cover.
  5. goof off should work but i would try it in a descrete place first and if all else fails try wd-40 loke mentioned above.
  6. I dont know about Poison i heard Rikki Rokkett i being sought for rape charges.
  7. thats apretty slick ride nice to see they used a smaller shop in stead of someone like Boyds.
  8. Thanks so much Riv that looks perfect i appreciate the reply on an old topic.
  9. Guys i searched all the suspension threads requarding belltechs 3/4 drop,i want something like Kaotic k 1 or haul ass because the look low and level,whats confusing me is does a 2/3 spindle/leaf drop actually give you a 3/4 drop or 2/3? and does anyone know where i can find a 3/4 belltech drop cause most sites i look at are real confusing.
  10. Good luck i hope it works for you and like you said you can always undo it,good luck.
  11. there coming around here in June,glad to see they put their differences aside its been to long since a good crew album came out,and it sounds like its gonna be a mini Ozzfest.
  12. I say leave the classic emblems with the classic vehicles,look at it this way the classic emblems are more rounded like the cars were back then and the updated emblems are more squared off and elongated like our trucks i just think our emblems fit our trucks.
  13. its not the prettiest but you have to give him props for doing most of it himself,how many people can say they built a car from scratch?
  14. Citgo or Getty for me cause they are the cheapest in town.btw my DMAX is at $4.30 now,they saw its going up $.75 by memorial day.
  15. I thought that Vw microbus was pretty cool and sounded nice too.
  16. hell yeah pics would be good,so it sounds like its very comfortable to shift and use.
  17. that is a nice shifter setup the only poss.annoyance to me would be that the shifter sits to high in the console instead of down along side you thigh are like most other floor mounted shifters.
  18. Looks like a B@M megashifter I'm running one in my 72 chevelle...its a nice racheting shifter.
  19. actually i had my original pcm reprogrammed by matt(pladdpezpunk)last year and i done drive the truck enough to really notice a difference in speed,and if i do bring it back to the dealer wont they notice the pcm was changed?
  20. looks like a good build and numbers and video are a must. :cheers:btw looks like your a fan of the color blue.
  21. Well guys to start off my story i got a ticket Fri. night, the speed was posted for 55 so i did between 60-65 and kept my eye on the needle knowing N.Y. state troopers prowl the are,anyway i come around the corner and there he is at which point i check my speedo...60mph,i pull over and he says i was doing 71mph so today i doble checked and my speedo is off by 10 mph so my question is could a pcm for less tune throw off my speedo or could this be related to the instrument problem that GM on some of our trucks?....for now my truck is stock other than a tune and exhaust.
  22. I think 12-15k is average but if you really want to build from the ground up Dynacorn Ind. sells new shells for about that price.
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