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Everything posted by kissfans03ss

  1. I know alot of you have the i phone but does anybody have the voyager phone from verizon and if so do you guys like it...
  2. Names Jim,i happen to be a fan of the old 70"s band KISS and own an 03 ss so i went with KISSFANS03ss. Dont take offense but i wont remember half your names,its just how my memory works.
  3. First off the way i see it Mr.P. is the man. Second Bonj87 is thinking on the same level as me,i would talk to someone knowledgeable with the law specifically the under age sex issue. Thirdly i know at this point you must have feelings for her but before they get worse walk away and explain your situation to her,let the other guy get over being dumped because he probably thinks you somehow stole her from him.Take a break and in a few months or so when things cool down give it another try if you think its its worth it.Personally i am with the other guys,its not worth getting into fights over ****,you are both grown men be the more mature man and walk away things might work out for the better.Good luck
  4. I love those fiery orange sunsets,sweet pics Dave.
  5. Jon, that truck is flipin awesome 167mph
  6. Merry Christmas all,I for one would like to get the avatar girl under my tree this year.
  7. I have an older compaq that was not holding a charge,maybe 15-25 mins so i went to my local battery shop and i got a generic battery and charger for about $160.00 bucks,the reason i bought a new charger was if you were to touch the power cord coming from the wall and going into the charger the wire was actually warm so i figured what the hell and spent the extra dough.
  8. Damn Dave those wheels are killer,well worth the time and effort it must have taken to concieve and bring to fruition, i am so jeleous cause i am way behind on mods for my truck its not even funny.
  9. Lefty, thanks for backin me up with pics.
  10. True she may do a good but i hink 16 is to young to find out an answer to that question. As far as why these people are in the media when in my opinion they are basically white trash,scratch that less than white trash is because the media gives attention to these no talent losers,the recipe is simple pay no attention to these people and they will fade away into obscurity.
  11. the black one is gorgeous but pricey.
  12. I just read Kims words of encouragement post and it reminded me of a story i heard that in Korea or China they actually produced a glow in the dark cat,no lie i saw this thing glowing on the tv.
  13. Every time i drive my truck i think what a great decition i made in purchasing this truck,i drove her for the first time in one month and it felt great all i need now is a supercharger.
  14. I guess fame is like a drug,a lot off people want it but too much to soon can be hard to handle.I am sure you have seen a bit of that in your travels Dave.
  15. Congrats dave you cast a tall shadow over us little whores with just a few posts under our belts.
  16. Its not a shabby looking truck but its no ss.
  17. I need to buy a new key fob for my dmax since it only came with one,i read the post on how to program it,seems easy but i was just curious if anyone has had to do it lately and how was it to do.
  18. congrats you little post whore and welcome back Kim.
  19. Matt glad to see your still alive and the truck still looks good,dont be a stranger.
  20. that would be classic and ballsy if it actually happened.
  21. dude that last pic of the ferrari upside down on the flatbed is hilarious,I wish i lived in Cali i would have gladly lent a hand for a good cause.Dave your a evil looking SAINT.
  22. that reminds me of that flesh eating organism from a few years back.dude glad your doing better and pop that f-in doctor for me.btw did you go to your doctor the day after your accident? cause if so gangreen must set in pretty fast.
  23. tell me about it i'm on hear two years and still no sig,i must be the last of the hold outs.
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