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Everything posted by kissfans03ss

  1. Either they dont care that youe coming,which has happened to me alot or they are to busy yapping on the cell while driving their suburbans.I dont know about you guys but it seems to me that people like pulling out last minute,they will see you a mile away and not move but once you are right on top of them is when they make their move.
  2. Keith you are so right man,someone will put out some stupid novelty product and the masses will flock to it(those stupid stick on baseballs that make your window look like theres a baseball stuck in it). but to get back on topic those truk nuts have been gay for a long time,remember dont be a follower be a leader.
  3. How did he die?It would be wierd if he died in his sleep especially after all those crazy stunts.
  4. Congrats on the little miracle to be.
  5. Congrats to the guys chosen to be moderators and thanks to everyone who threw their hats into the ring and made an attempt.
  6. Nice and spotless but you suck man cause my truck is way overdue for the same treatment and its gettin cold around here.
  7. I think most of us here have high standards when it comes to our trucks,myself i detailed my d-max about 2 months ago trying to get a jump on old man winter with the intension of doing the ss the following weekend...i still havent done the ss and its getting cold on the weekends now.
  8. Unfortunately some people were offended,i was just looking to get everyones reaction about the video and assumed since it was on youtube mostly everyone had seen it,again it was a bad call on my part to post about it.
  9. Yeah thats were i heard about it but i was out drinking last night with a buddy a he brought the subject up and mentioned all the reaction videos on youtube so i checked it out and found it to be pretty twisted,with that said i want to apoligize to anyone who was offended by it and think that the post should be closed or deleted.
  10. Dave,cool pics man you have a good eye and all the colors are nice and vivid,good job.
  11. Just wondering who has seen this video and what you all think?,I suck at links but just type in 2girls1cup and the link will show up. NWS
  12. Hank,glad things went well for you and i hope N.J. is to your liking.
  13. Dude that Avy is sweet,know does this mean the ss is on the backburner?
  14. Screw the ride how many of you saw the dudein the upper left hand corner with a scorpion hangin of his nutsack?
  15. Fairfield county,Ct. DIESEL=$3.43 SUP=$3.25 REG=$3.12
  16. Sorry i didnt know that,not trying to step on any toes just trying to help.
  17. That first reply sums it up(you dumbass mother****er).I think he should hook a hose to the exhaust pipe with the car running and inhale.
  18. Dave, I'm with Left Coast ..shop around find a good interior shop and see if they can acomplish what you are looking to do or go totally custom a break out of the box,good luck bro.
  19. I was just thinking what would it take to get a list of vendor and mod names/part number/prices posted in a new catagory,for example if i was looking for a gaylord speedstur tonneau cover i could got to this folder and pull up members tonneaus with pics and info on were they purchased it from and poss. pricing.Just an idea to think about.
  20. Cali,you wont be sorry you got a dmax,i cant answer your question but you can go to the diesel place.com which i believe is a sister site and very informative but on the down side diesel fuel is getting expensive,last week $3.30,5days later $3.43,3 days later $3.47,good luck on your decision.
  21. Thats some said shit right there boy,some people need to get their priorities in order.
  22. sweet looking sigs,now to get myself one.
  23. That lady really needs to be smacked,come on you flip a car (several times) and nearly kill your family and all your worried about is the damn rental? Dave thanks for sharing some of the contents of your (secret) folder.
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