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Pasadena SS

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Everything posted by Pasadena SS

  1. Nortre Dame escape last week. They didn't look good at all in the first half. I wouldn't be surprise if Penn State win. Texas look good but Ohio is really gonna test them. I hope it's an upset. EDIT: Oh I forgot to put a behind the "upset"...maybe
  2. So you're saying Dane Cook stold bad material from Louis CK And his stand up would be better without the unnecessary plagiarism? Louis CK stealing Dane's work...unlikely. Louis CK has been doing stand up for 22 years. Dane Cook was what? 10 years old then? Also I don't see blogs of people saying Louis CK is stealing materials from Dane and the last I check it was Louis that might be suing Dance Cook. Obviously you're Dane Cook's fan and you're really buying in on his image. Which is cool. All I ask of him is to come original. Plus: The guy who agrees with you still believes in 9/11 conspiracy
  3. Ofcourse Dane Cook is funny. He's using materials from good comedians.
  4. I was listening to ManCow's Morning Mad House the other day and he was totally bashing Dane Cook about how he steals funnier comics material. ManCow was laying on him pretty thick calling him a Tool and stuff. I thought it was pretty interesting since Dane is getting pretty popular. So I came home and did a few search and turn out it's no secret that Dane Cook stold materials. Infact I read a few blogs on how he was almost sued by a comedian by the name of Louis CK. Anyhow here's a link to Dane Cook's jokes side by side with Louis C.K.'s material from several years earlier. Link and here's a link to one of the blog. Scamboogah!!! But you be the judge.
  5. I like how people think Tom Cruise got that shit done him self.
  6. Maybe I'm just a softy but I still feel terrible about Steve's death. I don't think I'll get over it anytime soon. I saw his dad on CNN commenting on whether Steve should have a state funeral, Bob Irwin said "Steve was an ordinary bloke - he doesn't need a state funeral" I thought that was the coolest shit.
  7. Pretty Cool. There's a clip of him dropping in from the top of the car. How did he get on top of the car?
  8. Bug repel for automobiles, I love it. Now they need to make one for dogs, casts, skunks, birds, chickens, kids on rollerblades and Hemis. By the way Craig you still driving that Pontiac? Thought you might be driving a Ferrari by now.
  9. So I guess you won't be driving on any roads in the near future if your going to be cautious, being around dangerous animals was his job and passion, such as being a Police officer or a Fireman which are always in danger but are trained in what they do, he was train and well experience in what he did, this was a freak accident, everyone of use go to our jobs everyday and could have a freak accident. Clay <{POST_SNAPBACK}> Thank You Exactly
  10. Yeah I remember that. That was so funny. I wish I have a clip of that.
  11. I understand; he was not crazy, just living his life to the fullest; he's no different than any other extreme sports or stunt junkie. I think Americans really identify with him because he had that rock & roll attitude, a go-big or go-home personna. I mean, how could you not love the guy - a real man's man! That guy had the biggest pair of brass balls EVER! - I mean really, I'm surprised we never actually heard them clanking while he walked . But the incident does make you wonder what kind of life you would rather live, one with as much intensity as you could or a life on the porch... RIP Steve Irwin, you are truly missed. Mr. P. <{POST_SNAPBACK}> I think Mel Gibson is a whack job. He's pretty much an Aussie and he makes movies.
  12. He didn't die beacuause he was doing something stupid or extreme. Infact he's never been bitten by a croc once. According to Animal Planet he was swimming and the Stingray just came up and stung him. I don't think anyone could have avoided that. It was a terrible accident and not becaue he had a deathwish. Sometimes s*** just happens even to Steve Irwin and about his kids I'm sure they will follow their father's footsteps. Hell I would.
  13. Yeah that's where I hide my crack pipe
  14. Sheeeeeesh!!! I'm sorry And how the hell do you already have 1082 post? I joined SSS.com 8 days before you did.
  15. I have to admit I loved his show. It's just too sad. I've been watching him for so long to hear about him dying it's like loosing someone I know.
  16. I wanna see fundamental basketball, a lot of bounce passes no showboating so I'll watch WNBA.
  17. Kobe didn't play because he had to under go knee surgery. Not because he didn't want to play. Their is still a roster spot open for him. I'm sure Carmelo, Wade and Lebron wanted to win the GOLD. Just like they wanted to win the GOLD in Athens 2004 Olympics.
  18. Also the levle of play of the international teams has gone way up. A lot of times their coach by Americans and yes the got the fundamentals down. Let's face it theirs not a lot of sports where we can just show up and dominate any more. USA Basketball is playing Argentina for the BRONZE...we might not even win that.
  19. Ahhhhhh NASCAR. The new American Pastime. Gotta love it.
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