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Everything posted by WI_Dave

  1. Get the DVD it is waaay funnier unedited.
  2. I have it too. I know it is a plastic rattle I just haven't found it yet. I will check tonite if it stops raining.
  3. You can edit a post in the first few hours. There was an explanation a while back.
  4. If guns were illeagal he would have just built a bomb or ran people over with a car, ect. If a person has it in his or her mind they are going to kill someone they will accomplish it one way or another. Guns are not to blame even though it is the easy thing to do. If tomorrow someone goes and kills a bunch of people by stabbing them with a pencil should we ban those too? My heart goes out to all those affected.
  5. I didn't know Hilary and Bill were born at the same time.
  6. I can almost never get anybody to run here. And I'm in a big city
  7. No way it was stock. Unless it was a syclone
  8. (Better if you read them out loud, or they may not make much sense) ENGLISH WAY ---------------- CHINESE WAY That's not right. ------------------- Sum Ting Wong Are you harboring a fugitive? -------------------Hu Yu Hai Ding See me ASAP. ----------------- Kum Hia Nao Stupid Man. ----------------- Dum Fuk Small horse ------------- Tai Ni Po Ni Did you go to the beach? -- -------------- Wai Yu So Tan I bumped into a coffee table. ---------------- Ai Bang Mai Fa Kin Ni I think you need a face lift. ---------------- Chin Tu Fat It's very dark in here. --------------- Wao So Dim I thought you were on a diet. ------------- Wai Yu Mun Ching This is a tow away zone. ---------------------- No Pah King Staying out of sight --------------- Lei Ying Lo He's cleaning his automobile ---------------- Wa Shing Ka Your body odor is offensive. ----------------- Yu Stin Ki Pu Great! ------------------- Fa Kin Su Pah What's up! ------------------- Wa Sa Pen Ing For the losers who didn't get it ------------------ Yu fa kin dum
  9. Nevermind they changed it. And now its snowing anyways
  10. A couple of the fights stunned me. I wanted Diego to win his fight. Me and my buddies all lost some bets. And 2 tables got broken by a body being thrown thru them. (due to bets.) My buddy Mikes wife is going to be pissed when she gets home.
  11. According to their site it looks like Sat. April 14th will be another free day.
  12. FYI The dealer recovered mine under warranty when they started to peel/crack
  13. I have an inertia on mine but I didn't want to mount it permanently so I tried to velcro it and it moves too much and doesn't work right. If I have to use it again I will mount it more permanent.
  14. Truck is pre-wired for brakes. Just plug harness in panel under dash and trailer plugs in by hitch without using the 4 pin adapter. I did not have to run anything else. Just wire harness to controller.
  15. When I bought my hitch from GM it came with the harness that plugs in under the dash. I don't know what brand controller I have I will try to remember to go check. I only used it once.
  16. Well, let's see $400 superchips now then $200 custom later =$600 or $200 custom now $50 retune later = $250 Why is this even a question. You will get more performance from a custom tune and costs less.
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