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Posts posted by Kim

  1. Is there not a way to Solder the wires and salvage the Harness? Even if you had to add a bit of wire a good job can be done for a lot less than $100.


    Give it some thought.




    gmpartsdirect.com has it for like $75 dollars. I'll feel better if I get a new one. Hopefully electrical tape will be good enough for a couple weeks though.

  2. Need the part number for the wiring harness that goes from the gas pedal, through the firewall, and connects to that box at the top on the driver side. And could someone tell me what that box is called?


    I figured out my throttle issue. The wires were severed when she wrecked my truck. I electrical taped them back together for now...and it revs up again...yay! Of course now I hear a rattle around the front of the engine and there's an exhaust leak somewhere...but one step at a time :smash:

  3. Here she is. This is probably how it'll look till this time next year, till I get more money saved. All I'm waiting on now....trying to find someone to come look at why the pcm and throttle body aren't communicating, then Johnny's got to take it to have it aligned, then I can drive it again. :driving: I still need to get a front bumper cover, brake ducts, hood, wheels and tires, and some more cladding pieces. I'm going to have the whole truck repainted next year. He painted the driver fender, but you can definently tell it's a different color from the rest of the truck. And he ran out of paint before he could get the piece of cladding behind the driver wheel. He didn't charge me for paint...he's was just using what he had left over from another job. And I guess I'm running with the spare for awhile. Major lessons learned from my truck getting wrecked by a friend....how to save money like nobody's business, never take your truck for granted(sp), never loan your vehicles out, sometimes 'friends" aren't friends at all, and NEVER let your insurance lapse.






  4. Hey, how are you? I was just thinking about you the other day, wondering if you started the rebuild or what. Hope you get it back on the road before summer is here, sure you will be happy to start driving the SS again. We wanna see pics when you get the SS back on the road! :)



    Oops, i missed this from 3 months ago....sorry. I'm good. Will be getting the truck back soon. May still not be able to drive it for awhile though.

  5. I went out to Johnny's shop yesterday and watched him work on my truck for a while. He hooked up his chassis puller to the floorboard to pull it out. It was scary...one of the chains came loose and, dang that would hurt if you got hit by it. By the time I left the floorboard was back in shape. He replaced the front crossmember already, and you can't tell that it was replaced at all. The frames all lined up. He said he hopes to have it done by next week. I still have to get someone to try and figure out why the pcm isn't communicating with the throttle body module though.




    He had to take some cladding off to bolt the truck down to the chassis puller....it IS just a regular silverado underneath.



    Piece of old crossmember.


  6. i have heard nothing but good things about you. every time i see you on the shout box you are helping some one out. i think you are one hell of a nice guy and go out your way to help. Keep it up Danny!!!!!!!!!! :thumbs: :thumbs:

    :withstupid: You and Mr. P have a lot of knowledge. And, to me, it seems like you're always ready to help someone out with what you know.

  7. Johnny started on my truck yesterday...yay!!! :driving: He called me yesterday and told me to come up to his garage so I could see what all was going on with it. The front cross member of frame has to be replaced. Lot's of plastic's cracked....headlight brackets, fuse box cover, tabs, random plastic pieces that I have no idea where they came from. He's going to have to pull up carpet to get the firewall beat out. He's going to straighten out a couple of brackets that are bent...a couple of others have to be replaced. Everything behind the bumper cover is still in good shape, other than one bracket. Passenger fender is good...( I thought the wheel well was smashed). I don't know how long it's going to take, but I'm just glad it's started. Maybe I'll get to drive it before summers out.








  8. Holy crap Kim! I had no idea you totalled your truck out like that! If you need to see how something goes on or something let me know and I can head that way for you to compare notes.



    Thanks Yenko :cheers: . It's at the shop now. Johnny hasn't started on it yet...my truck is kinda a side job for him. He's doing work for an insurance company right now, so I don't have a clue when he'll start.

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