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Posts posted by Kim

  1. Okay guys. I only have 2 bottles left. I've got them listed for $45 each on ebay, free shipping. If someone from this site buys them...I'll sell them both for $70 shipped.

    Contact me through PM instead of going through ebay, though. It would be cheaper on me to end the listing early than to pay final value fees.


    The black bottles all sold within the first 2 days I had them listed. For some reason people don't want the white bottles. They are actual Force Factor though.

  2. Alots happened since I was on here last


    Last saturday at my Moms House, My mom and her husband got home from grocery shopping and were bring grocerys up from there garage into the house via a elevator my grandfather built when he built the house, when they got to the top the elevator broke and dropped them 12ft. Shattered my moms foot and shattered her husbands arm, tehy will both be laid up for a while. My mom has surgery on monday. They almost had to amputate Lances arm, he was in surgery for almost 4 hours at York Hospital.


    Also Last saturday before all that happened my cats were plugging up bad, I brought the SS to Tune & Lube on Rt.1 in Saugas Mass. the charged me $383. to cut a hole in my cats, gut them out and weld em back up, took em almost 4 hours to do it. So today I went to Lous Custom Exauhst in Lawrence Mass. Got some Magnaflow cats for $435. installed and it only took them about a half hour.



    Jeez...thats awful! Glad they didn't get hurt any worse. 12ft is a long drop.


    I never knew I could miss this site so much. I almost got flooded on sunday. Didn't think it was going to make it up to the house I'm housesitting at. Then within an hour, I had to move my truck and her car down the road to safe grounds. Made it up to the house and almost all the way around it. Luckily, the water didn't make it in. And the lady I'm housesitting for doesn't know anything about the flood....she's out of country. She'll be pretty surprised when she gets home monday and sees the boat, still on it trailer, sitting in the field behind her house, resting on the fence and a tree. Houses down the road from hers got hit pretty bad. Downtown Morehead business got hit bad, and Farmer's and Olive Hill just about got wiped out. I hope that everyone on this site stayed safe from the flood waters. I know Kentucky wasn't the only one hit.

  3. 1) I change oil and tires all day at work...and love it.


    2) I am extremely empathetic towards most animals....more than people.


    3) I have an OCD about light switches.....sometimes I'll turn one off or on and walk away, then start thinking it didn't "feel" right(like it didn't flip all the way down or up), then walk all the way back to make sure.:banghead:

  4. On ebay now... grille


    I figured I would list this here before I put it on ebay. Passenger side brake duct grill. In good shape. Has a few scratches on the back....none that I could see on the front. Both my brake ducts are trash. This is the only piece from the front bumper that made it without any damage. I had to cut the rivets to get it out of the brake duct, so there's probably scratches around the mounting holes. If you're interested, send me a PM with an offer. I have no clue what it's worth. If I don't get any offers I'll put it on ebay.



  5. After rotating my tires and attempting to relearn the tire pressure monitoring system by following the owners' manual, I have the "service TPMS" light illuminated. This has occured each time I have rotated my tires and I have to take the truck to the dealer for relearning. Anyone else have this issue?



    We have a handheld machine at work that is used to reset some vehicles. I'm pretty sure I've used it on a silverado before. So taking it to the dealer may be the only way to reset it.

  6. From the open bed pic (2nd picture) these items are different: clamps, locking mechanism, and bed rails (then again those all can be replaced). I am starting to think I do have the Fastback II cover, just different parts here and there. My struts are in the same location as yours, except the angle faces toward the cab.

    From the first pic the one thing that gives my cover away is the similar rubber gasket around the tonneau. Sorry to take you off topic, and once again thank you Kim for the help and pictures :chevy:






    Nice :cool:

  7. Gaylord or Pace Edwards electric retactable cover in my opinion is what I would purchase if I had to choose one. I have a custom one that looks like the checkmate cover but not one truck/car shop (autozone, napa, advanced truck accessories, etc) can figure out what company made it. Good luck with your choice!




    Is your cover a Fastback II? That's what I used to have....similar to the checkmate. I sold it cause it leaked in the corners.

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