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Posts posted by Quik

  1. you right man. greed has our country by the balls, and the american public doesnt even seem to notice. and when people do notice, they then realize they can do nothing to stop this onslaught of greedy bastards and they turn the other check and try to live there lives and block it out there mind. F that man. when i'm older, i really want to start my own organization and lobby for the good of america. but by then it will be to late. man, shit has gone downhill quickfast in this country and it will get worse & worse. and george carlin does talk the truth. he's the man.

    were fawked. plain and simple. they say the cost of oil goes up cause its a estimated usage amount. whats funny is ppl arent doing the things they were yesterday but again they still say its estimated to be an increase in usage. how the fawk are we using more these days when things are more effiecent. look around you and your house and sh1t. alot of things are energy savers but some how we are using more oil.


    come winter ppl will be filing bankrupcy to just heat their homes. either it be gas or oil heated ppl will be fawked. not to mention all the other utilites will balance out with the price of oil. i dont see a clear site anytime soon. the american dollar isnt worth what it was yesterday. if the dollar is worth less then the amount of thigns and cost will rise to help dissapay how things payout. but again the CEO of these oil companys are doubling their profits each period.


    we arent using more... they are just charging more to make up for the lack of use ppl arent using. think we have cars that on average see 18mpg. now there are some that are in the 30s but you take all cars and average and 18 seems to be about right. cars of yesterday when the last shortage was stated netted 10mpg. we have more effiecent but we have more usage? sorry, now we havent had a baby boom lately, so population isnt as huge as they claim. yes more ppl are migrating over to US soil but still isnt to point where it should effect the way of living.


    also look at this anybody willing to spend millions of dollars for a 200k a year job is as croked as D1ck.

  2. if any of you are into beliefs. think about how belief goes how the big power in the middle east will fall then the next power will rise. and also the next big war will show its ugly face. out next large war wont be countries against countries for freedom or peace but it will be over oil


    the war on oil is going to ruin everything we have known. its goign to get to point like seen in the movies. now this is my belief and my take on the prophency {sp}. greed is going to cause the next huge war

  3. its not going to drop anytime soon. every company out there is raising the prices of things but no body is paying anymore money to employees. if you noticed years ago youc could supersize your big mac combo for a total of 5 bucks now its close to 8 bucks? wtf seriously. same as with clothes and other things. shit is going up like crazy. cost of vehicles are going up as well but again they still pay ppl low dollar amount and hour. its getting to point where you cant even afford to drive to work for what they pay you an hour. every big Ceo is making big money but every joe smoe is suffering big time. have you also noticed they take more out in taxes now? check your check a small percentage is now being taken out. its a small amount but more is. why is that? the government......now can you blame bush it sure looksl ike it dont it...... hes been in office for 7yrs and in 7yrs we had and up rise in everything. its to the point doesnt matter who is in office for next 4 yrs its so fawked up that its not going to get better for least a few years. by then some major disaster is going to happen and theyll use that as another reason to keep prices of thigns high. we as ppl are truely ****ed.

  4. :update:


    as for today 5-23 my truck is now on hold. i not sure when it will get finished. Im pulling it out of the shop its currently at. Reasons to not be said. In the past I have always been pleased with the work and price but economy changes..


    so truck will come back home and go back in garage unfinished. the Trans Am will stay in the salvage yard for now till i can make room for it and after the silverado is finished.


    I have always done my own work. I have done just about everything on the truck myself with no help from outside sources. Everything I have learned I learned cause i want it one way and cant justify or soemtiems cant afford to pay someone. This is now going to be another notch to my belt. Im going to save for a period of time and take the hit of purchasing a good quailty Tig welder along with the other fab tools ill need to finishe the work on the truck. A tig, chop, saw and mig will always come in handy for years to come. im only going on 29 and i catch on to things fast. I learned to tig decent in 3 days. im sure little more practice and ill be Money lol. I have no bad blood with any shop. just i rather do it myself. the time it takes me is the time it takes me.


    sorry for the long rant post but im just ticked off to all means at the moment for many reasons not only the truck situation

  5. so here it is. car is finally up and running with exhaust. the owner of the car is sadden since he has to be at the airforce base tomorrow at noon. so he probably wont get to drive it. so here it is


    10.5:1 CR 6.0 with magic stick 4, Ls6 heads and true 3" exhaust. the mouse you hear is the damm motor mount



    Monte Carlo SS 6.0 magic stick 4 10.5:1 cr - Video


    .story behind car. its a project owner and I been working on since january. the owner assembled the motor and i did the fab work. its still has some bugs to work out but the owner is leaving for bootcamp tuesday. Air intake is a temp thing but works for now. car drives pretty dam good but needs gears only has 373s.

  6. it should clear an 11 wide rim or 315 tire. the t/a are a bit more forgiving on running a wider tire. with the camaro's it barely fits . i dont know how much different the verts are in the rear wheel wells though.

    well i plan to roll the lips and use teh BFH mod to make clearances. i have intentions of least 315s. i been kicking idea of running the z06 rear wheels with tires. 19x12 with 325s on rear

  7. well my uncle is the head dude at my local gm so i can get one for 12 but ill prolly end up spendin 20 or so would like to supercharge it to but thatd be a lil excessive all at once, i got beat by a built sb rc 5.3 the other day pretty much just pissed me off so gonna make sure its not gonna happen again with nething

    my aunts nephew's sister's boyfriend had a 5.3 RCSB and knew he could beat a pig of a SSS stock vs stock. mid 14s vs mid 15s isnt much of a comparison

  8. sound like its going to be a nice build up! it will look good next to your white/blue truck for sure

    yea thats the point lol. might do my 1000rr the same color combo as well. hopefully gas prices wont be to high when its finished that way i can take the silverado and the TA to te car shows and park them next to eachother

  9. looks like a good and fun project to do. It should be pretty wicked when done.

    thats what i would like it to be a fun car when all done and not a headache. hopefully be time its finished [summer 09] gas prices arent to out rageous. i like my truck but im tired of it. i wont get rid of it but just tired of working and putting money into it. i should of left it stock!

  10. well i recently purchased a 98 trans am drop top. i always wanted a 99 30th aniversary trans am convertible. so instead of buying one. for some oddreason they are holding their value i deciede im going to build a replica but with a touch to it.


    the car will stay with the black top for now. im going with the Ws9 outlaw hood by VFN. its a 3" ws6 hood with firehawk heat extractors. I plan to paint the two tone aniversary stripes on it. I also plan to do the Ceta panel in blue. now as for the wheels. i was going to run either C6 or C6 Z06 wheels with blue tint just like the 30th ta wheels. i was thinking of running the 18 or 19 combo for the size. Since this shell is bare im going to run probably all Spoon tubular suspension front and rear. I plan to run a ford 9" with about 4.56 gears. as for motor it will probably be a 11.1 or 11.5 cr 6litre with ported LS6 heads and fast 90/92 combo. as for cam it will be the proven TREX, will use kooks 1 7/8 Lts with true dual 3" with X and 4 magnaflow resonators. will be backed by a T56 and i plan on using the two tone leather as similar to the

    30th TAs had. i also will be upgrading to the better 99+ wiring thruout the entire car. Plan on doing the 4pth roll bar


    here some pics of how it sits








    now this is a pic of what i plan to make it look similar to [now these are not pics of my car but a car im going to make similar to]







    youll noticed in the pic of the 30th pace car it has the blue ceta


    heres a a couple pics i found of the WS9 outlaw




  11. update: truck was dropped off at fab shop today for following work to be done

    4" downpipe and 4" exhaust out the side. [no muffler]

    2.5" wastegate exhaust out the side with 4" tip

    .....these two will resemble dual 4" exhaust out the side of truck...also both exhaust will be 304 stainless


    upper and lower radiator hoses made from stainless [has to be done since position of cold pipes]

    reangle pinion to -3* along with long bars made up and C notched/box in frame

  12. on second though. . .your motors really ugly and clashes left and right!!!! :puke::puke:

    :jester: just kidding bro! its turning out really nice keep up the good work and keep posting teaser pics :cheers:

    to bad cant see the blue block. all that work and the block is hidden. ohwell... also not to many wires... nice clean apperance. might figure out where to mount the 2 step tomorrow and then hook up the meth kit. probably get truck up in air tomorrow and install clutch and scattersheild

  13. Looks sick! damn... kick ass build, im sure it will post some great numbers in a RCSB...


    thanks man. not bad for a DIY setup... as for times anything in 11s is my goal. once i get a good baseline of ET then ill turn up the boost and see how far a 4.8 with a 88mm can go....if things go well in next few days my 408 should be rebuilt in near future

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