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Everything posted by sleepingcrna

  1. Looks good, but one complaint....after staring at it for 10 minutes waiting for a naked lady to appear, none did. Whats up with that ?
  2. Those pics are the reason i kept moving south in the last 10 years from the South Dakota area. I like snow but in very small doses. Kansas has been good to me, but you're pics show that when its your time, its your time no matter where you are.
  3. I need a pickup to haul everything i probably don't really need in the first place. I have small kids and want to be able to haul them cross country, but don't want to shell out 30K for an avalanche so i have my SSS. Plenty of fun power and family hauling room and back end hauling capacity. Plus it's AWD for the midwest and with a little work can smoke most of the racers in this town. My wife on the other hand, wanted a midsize vehicle because she is small. She likes to hotrod a bit, but wanted a safe, fast, comfortable, sporty ride to haul the kids around. We have a family of 4, ( 5 at the end of Feb) and neither has a ton of room, but it's all relative to what you need and want. My truck fits what i need all the way around. The TBSS fits what my wife needs all the way around. You just need to figure out what it is you really need and see which one fits the best. Good luck. Either way, you win.
  4. Don't know much personally about sway bars, but i do know this...there is a search button in the upper right section. Type in sway bar in two different words, not swaybars as one word. You'll get more info than you bargained for. If you find what you're looking for, odds are good you'll be able to ask guys with experience who posted on the topic and they will probably help you.
  5. Yeah, i vote for Shaun Moderator and truck of the month Shaun Seriously, here's my view if anyone cares.... I've been on this site for quite awhile. I don't go to a lot of different sites for ANY purpose, so if experience in that department counts, stop reading this now. I don't have the most posts, i don't have the most interesting or helpful posts and i don't post everyday. I'm not sure if i'm embarrassed or proud to say i look at least once a day unless someone close to me dies on that day. But i will say that i enjoy the crap out of this site to the point that i look EVERY DAY. I don't know what the set of rules or criteria is to become a moderator, nor do i care. Maybe i should, but i don't. If they keep the site free from spam, assholes and generally worthless people then i'm happy. I can do the rest for myself. I can choose to read who was doing what when they lost their virginity or not read it. I can choose to read/view the pics of the last 7 SSS's that have had a bath yesterday or not. I guess it's nice to look if i have the time and the desire. At the same time, i can understand if many on here don't want to hear about that kind of crap, but some people do. Personally, i find things that really mean something to me or something i'd like to learn more about or do to my SS. I've spent more money on my SS because of this site, BUT i've also saved a ton of money fixing things due to what i've learned here. I have as much automotive skill and knowledge as many of you on this site have in the hair on your ass...and i'm not bragging about that. I can say that i've learned ALOT from many of you and i'm very thankful for that. I've felt like a few have treated me like a bastard stepchild as a result of my lack of 'know-how', but i really could care less. I still get a lot from this site. If the idea is to advance this site in a certain direction or change the format, then this is the way to find out what direction people want it to go. What if 'someone' started a poll to find out if people are happy with it. Why or why not? what do we want to see changed/added/deleted. Maybe this has all been done, i'm just trying to help. If i can't drink tonight, i figure i might as well try to provide some input. And this is all this is...INPUT, from another member who would like to this continue.
  6. What kind did you have?? I've been using the isimple gateway harness from bestbuy. It isn't perfect and it cost me $140, but it was really easy to install and gives me the ability to use my ipod in a fairly simple way with my stock Nav unit that i installed. I even used it for awhile with the 6 disc factory unit i had before the nav and it worked well. Might be worth a try.
  7. Looks great. Every time i see that exhaust it makes me consider it...really like it. I'd love to put a shine on mine like that right now...then drive it out into the foot of snow on the ground.
  8. Got my nav unit and isimple gateway interface purchased. Install was quick and easy. Radio sounds like sh*t but i'm thinking i might try the HD Radio interface for it. I'm still working on memorizing the way the isimple allows you to control the ipod on the touchscreen, but for now just use the ipod wheel and set it on shuffle. Can still fast forward with wheel controls. Ipod sound is great for a basic bose non-lux system. Next on the docket is to find an interface that will allow me to use an aftermarket amp/subs coming off of the bose amp. I think fast4popper has this figured out in terms of the interface. I'd like to be able to continue to use the bose along with the aftermarket amp. For any of you that have done this, miSSouriSS, i'm waiting for some direction. FYI, when all said and done i won't have a ton of money into this as i had some of what i needed already, but if i was gonna do this from scratch i don't think i'd bother. The factory look is great but functionality isn't quite what i'd hoped with the ipod. Guess you can't have everything...unless you're ready to drop the coin on it.
  9. Hate to be a downer, but i had the same symptoms. Took it to a dealership i really trust. $1600 later, i drove off with a redo of the front diff. It's always worth trying the suggestions of guys on this site first, but if all else fails, just take it in and see what they say. Hopefully it will be a simple fix. GL
  10. Whatever it takes to get to 2000, right Shaun...
  11. Parts sent. If it's not in the condition you need Les, maybe repost. Hopefully they are fine though.
  12. What do you think, should we (and i mean YOU) start a GTG thread for spring so we can start to gauge interest so Chris knows what he's getting in to ?
  13. I'm fairly certain i'd be in on the rollpan deal, especially when spring rolls around.
  14. Girls on the bottom: They are interchangeable "Damnnnn, this girl needs a razor" The other girl..."What the hell is in there?" Girls on the top: "Did you just shart?" girl on the right. "I don't know...i think so." girl on the left
  15. We'll just line a bunch of shit up for you...like a working vacation...hows that sound ?? Shaun will pay for all of it of course.
  16. Why the hell did you leave this area Chris Especially if you're doing headliners now. If you make it back this way, i bet we could get a few guys together to make it worth your time......
  17. Had this unit in my SS before it burned up. It's a nice unit. Like you, i didn't really care about the nav. It has really good ipod control which is really what i was after. If i remember right, i lost some of the steering wheel controls like onstar, but retained the volume and rewind/forward controls. Thats a good price too. Good luck with it.
  18. As it says, I'm looking for this Nav unit....PN 15800000. The part number can be higher, and if you aren't sure, i can look it up. BUT, it needs to be non-lux. If you have y91 or y92 in your glovebox where your nav came from then i can't use it. If you're just not sure, let me know what you have and i'll figure it out. I want to buy one within the next week so any help would be much apprecitated. BTW, i've tried to buy on EBAY and i'm not gonna spend that much money for a stock, average looking, below average navigation unit. I have reasons for wanting it and i will be more than fair with my offer. Thanks...Mike
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