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Posts posted by nxtnlne

  1. Yeah thats how we used to do it when I was growing up. I might just do that I know it would be a just myself and the kids cause the old lady isnt into the no bathroom or shower stuff. Currently some of my buddies are talking about going up to Ocatea Wells for some riding but were not sure though. It would be my first time there so im still doing the research..... :thumbs:

  2. Yeah my buddy has a 04 and it runs pretty good. Gotta love that whine of the SC....I would never buy a Ford but its a nice looking truck and I dig the captain chairs for the back seats. Pretty sure a stock SS will not hold up to the SC 5.4l (340hp at 4,500 rpms and 425ft lb tq at 3,250 rpms). With your mods u might get the SC edition but it would be close. I have faith in CHEVY though

  3. I've been looking for a good spot to take my kids camping. I have 2 ski's and some dirtbikes so water and off road terrain is good, BUT I was wanting to get outdoors with them just us and the campfire no toys. I would be willing to drive a couple of hours for a good spot. I live in the 310 area.....Thanks in advance! :thumbs:

    ALSO......Maybe some site or lot #'s I could reserve too If you have them. That would definetly help.

  4. $188 a month full coverage for V-Max and my wifes Saab 9-3.

    (500) deductable and 50 for rental..

    Im 29....I've had 2 accidents


    (Not at fault)


    (My fault)

    and 3 tickets....1 ins. claim.


    (Not at fault)


    Mercury Ins.....My poor truck :banghead:

  5. it's not the rattle i would worry about.......it's that rank smell from inside a body shop that will linger with you for months to come :sick:


    :confused: Great...... :thumbs: . When I get my truck back its going to sit in the garage. I've been putting to many miles on it going to work. Had it for 6 months and its got 7,000 miles on it. So I wont have to smell it every day. Im going to buy my freinds little sisters first car, a 1988 toyota corolla fx 1.6l with 150000 miles on it. Clean little work car.CO87.gif

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