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Posts posted by nxtnlne

  1. thats the exact show and reason i bought my first one. i have had 4 of them in my day, and still have this one chillin here waiting for a rainy day to give it some love. I love that movie soo much that i bought it on DVD for like 40 bucks when they first released it on dvd and i still havent even watched it!


    The Wraith :jester:


    Sherylin Fenn was HOT!!!!


    You should have taken a picture of that glowing turbo, I would love to have seen it, since it isn't mine that is!

    I did let it cool down before I shut it off !!! :cheers: Pics next time!


    I wish I could get some more boost out of that ecotech. Right now it's @ 12.3 lbs! But no one tunes the damn swedish tronic8 here in cali!!

  2. Dude I'll give you some love! them cars in some kinda weird way caught my attn back when they came out. I for some reason love that puke yellow color in a convertable!


    I do know what you mean by fun to drive, i have similar car that is a blast to suprise newer cars with. I have a 92 Daytona with the ultra rare Lotus inspired motor in it. 224HP 217 tq stock. i remember coming home from michigan a while back and seeing a Lexus IS300 coming up behind me. so I let him catch me and as he got next too me he gave me a "good bye" wave. as we both nailed it from 60mph i left him standing there 3 times in a row, his girl in the passenger seat was laughing her a$ off :) . he did give me the thumbs up and the appreciative good job head nod! but it was still nice to beat a car that i envied!


    NICE kills!! :cheers:


    I wanted one of those cars for a long time...I first seen it from that 80's movie the Wraith!! "You lose the race....You lose your car"...LOL.


    That was a wierd night!! Really fun though...I have to say it being 3am and no one on the road we were able to really go at it on the hwy...Fun

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