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Everything posted by vmax2fast

  1. Need to get shoes for the rear now and am having trouble finding the right ones any body replace these yet? Don't really want to get the OEM but if I have too.......
  2. my nuggs at least made it interesting last night.... damn refs AI=25 shot attemps.... no free throws??? come on!!!
  3. worked better the second time!!!! Thanks Wody and Zippy!!
  4. hahahaha 1 topic w/ gatorback search..... This one
  5. Do you have a tune? If so did you take it in with the tuned pcm or stock?
  6. what was wrong w/ it? mines been doing it since about 5-8k or so don't remember, I have 37k on it now not all the time though...
  7. Have fun trying to keep the inside all shiney... I gave up after about three washes
  8. Ever since installing my Zippy tune, when shifting at WOT I get a squeel that kinda sounds like my belt is slipping over some pulleys or something. A tranny builder from AAMCO that I took for a ride once told me it was air getting trapped in the manifold or some crap like that and that his dually 6.0 did the same thing. I think I'm still trying to get that smoke out of my ass... The manager of the same AAMCO swears its the tires but it doesn't chirp em unless I'm on concrete, and it sounds way different ( at least to me) What do you guys think? If necessary I'll see if I can get a vid clip where you can here it.... TIA Brian
  9. So it doesn't happen that often, maybe once every 3k miles or so, but sometimes it just stays in first until it reaches about 4500 no matter if I'm on the gas or let off. I've read this before and searched a couple keywords but mostly come up w/ crap... I'm trying to figure out if its something i should ignore since its not that often and otherwise acts fine or, switch pcm's and bring her in before I purchase a shift kit?
  10. Gotta love the tap shift though!!!! I wish i had it on my shifter!!!
  11. and some of those make em wicked quick....
  12. Happy really belated bday!! Alkaseltzer neone? Plop Plop... szszszsszszsssszsszs Ok. so how do we know if its you or your woman? she could sneak in here and pretend to be you or something...
  13. yeah.... but...... mello was a rookie, no AI hopefully this year is diff.
  14. Here is a good sound clip... crappy video but good sound of first gear... The best sound is when it shifts from first to second.... lets out a real nice grunt!!
  15. congrats!!! I've been tobacco free for one and a half untill I went to Wy. on a fishing trip, got drunk and every one had a can just had one dip think I'll be OK mmmm it was goooooood!!!!!!!!
  16. I just remind her we were in each others trucks... The sad thing is our 95 was completely empty (gas too)and I have a whole crap load of tools in the vmax
  17. uh oh.... did the nuggs learn some defense? Only the fourth game all year won w/ less than 100 points Only the first game though... better shut my mouth
  18. That was just the second thread out off three i read in about two minutes that had almost the same reply from you... not attacking you at all, I guess your just doing your job but if I was in CA I wouldn't be worrying about people on a highway in FL.... Peace, chicken grease, gears and beers!!!
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