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Everything posted by BlkSSnCpt

  1. i was gonna ask u wat u were doing to it, i saw ur sig on gmfs. soon to be "pre-sshd" txt me a teaser pic son!!! naw they're there so i casn leave on print on u, kinda lik when u branding a horse. except u'll be my burro/bitch, LMAO!!! pinche par de viejas!!! r u guys bumpin nuts too or wat!?!?! LMFAO!!! -Rob
  2. naw homie, see example... http://i35.tinypic.com/309ujcz.jpg -Rob
  3. i knew it!!! yeah thats why i was WTF dude i did a DOPE ASS BURN OUT(lol) in front of ur shop!!! lol, right on i'll get out back man... high enough guey!!! ill give u one too guey... ... -Rob
  4. DUDE, WTF!?! Dave next time i see u imma chop u down with leg kicks, dude i was at the last meet. when we met at the carshow at the shopping complex paking lot then drove to ur shop bbq'd then went to the go-kart place. dude me Julien and one of the guys from pt.net were the last to leave that night. Julien was driving that Toyota cuz he had recently sold the crewcab and when we left u Alex and Jules went to dinner after we left. damn sr thought we were friends and u'd remember my being there the whole time ... -Rob
  5. i was at the last one and i went to the go-kart place with u guys but the one we had last year at speedzone was really fun... eitherway i think i'd be down for watever i guess... Dave is this carshow the same we went to last time??? we should hit u Cars and Coffee for a meet, same deal as last time meet up there check out some cars then hit up a place to eat then go-karts or something of that sort... -Rob
  6. i think i'd be in for this, havent had a meet in a while so it would be good... very good point, i'd be down for another meet at the go-kart place maybe. the one we had there was pretty fun... -Rob
  7. nice!!! good stuff man, i plan on doing the same with my tax return. i own a little over 14K but 'll be able to pay most of the with myreturn tis year ... -Rob
  8. bagged7104ss, he's a SoCal native. here's his thread from this past summer(i think) hope this helps... http://www.silveradoss.com/forums/index.ph...c=56943&hl= pics of his truck: -Rob
  9. they both look great Tony, u should post up the vids of u doing the burnout's in the wifey TB. i'm sure everyone here would really appreciate them ... also i'm sure if i'v asked u over on ur site but i know u'v help almost all the TBSS guys drop their rigs but can u help us truck guys aswell??? i plan on eventually dropping my SSS but i have a few questions before i jump head first into it... -Rob
  10. damn that looks now do a rite up guey!!! i have that same pin switch for my Viper alarm already think i would be able to wire it up to that one??? orwould i need an independent pin for it to work??? -Rob
  11. if u want 22' TBSS replicas might try checking out tbssowners.com, Tony to owner of the site got a company to make some 22's replicas and they look sick. BUT ur gonna have to get an adapter for them them work on our 6 bol pattern, the TB's and Silvy's bolt patterns arent the same.. oh and if ur gnna go with 22's ur still gonna need more drop, i suggest atleast 4/6 drop for it to look really nice... -Rob
  12. full length headers or shorty's??? well our stock exhaust flows pretty decently so there shouldnt be too much to worry about there... -Rob
  13. that was my first thought, u definately need to beef up the tranny. for two reasons, u'll will dorp ur times and it will definately feel faster and to strengthen it and avoid it from blowing up. but definately get started with the tranny. also wat kinda of headers are u running??? wats ur exhaust setup besides the blowmaster??? -Rob
  14. hhhmmm, no sh!t... learn something new everyday i guess... -Rob
  15. thats exactly wat i was thinking... still 50 seems like a big gap between the two. anyways post up some vids!!! -Rob
  16. Ooops sorry about that, guess when i saw Jan 19th i automatically read 2010... -Rob
  17. welcome to the site man, but all those vids are repost: 1: is the 1st (2nd maybe?) SSS.com video... 2: i posted up a while ago, they're from texas. some dope trucks tho... 3: is actually a video i made a couple years back... 4: Chase's truck, check out his 427 LsX Twin Turbo build in the build section... -Rob
  18. looks good Chase, but is the down pipe ok with being close to the brake booster like that??? looks good tho i like how the turboes are angled, different look... -Rob
  19. lol, i just lol'd when i was reading ur post... also i agree with his sts kit running great, i drove it ONCE and it ran awesome!!! not that i gave it a lot of throttle or anything( ) but i felt like it WOULD run good ... good luck on ur build, i plan on going turbo in the future also. once i get the finances back in order... -Rob
  20. nice, truck still looking good man... -Rob
  21. nice, should be nice when its all said and done... ... -Rob
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