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Everything posted by BlkSSnCpt

  1. WoW sounds like u've made some nice changes to the truck, now make do with the pics!!! lol, welcome from Compton... -Rob
  2. officially welcome from Compton, Ca!!! any pics or vids??? cuz i know u got some, lol... -Rob
  3. right on man i see where ur coming from, didnt mean for that to come off negatively but damn i loved the look of ur truck before... man o'man i'm drooling at the thought of how it woulda looked with the 22' replicas... -Rob
  4. completely agree with both of u... -Rob
  5. i like it but to be honest i think ur truck looks WAY better with the stocks on it. i mean ur drop and the chin spoiler it looked so simple and super clean. idk just my 0.2 cents, but it still looks good... -Rob
  6. WERD, Rey is an awesome person and i'm glad to say i consider him a friend. but to be honest the dude is a bit off his rocker, i mean he actually biked over 200 miles in ONE day!!! who does that,lol!!! jfwy Rey... sounds very interesting ... that would be cool, donate to a great cause and see some sick cars at the same time. i met up with Dave, his wife, Julien and another friend a couple years ago and it was a good time lots and lots of sweet cars, TWO trucks mine and Dave's lol... -Rob
  7. cant really blame the UFC for not compromoting tho, UFC has built a strong following and sells more and more pay-per-views every year and M-1 is still a small company and they want half of the profits, yeah cant blame the UFC for not wanting to settle with them... its not his promotion but Fedor owns part of the company, thats also one of the reasons why he wouldnt take the deal. no matter how much they would offer to pay him if they werent willing to copromote and share all the profits it wasnt gonna happen. Fedor is trying to build up M-1 so he has something to live off of once he retires... also the i agree on the size difference between Rogers and Lesnar, both weigh the same but Lesnar is far more athletic then Rogers, that why think if Lesnar tightens p his striking and learns how to control the cage he'll be extremely hard to beat. btw a hate Lesnar and Carwin will knock him out whenever they fight... -Rob
  8. here u go Ivan, http://www.mma-core.com/videos/_Fedor_Emel...651&tid=100 i catch up on any fight i miss here... -Rob
  9. Fedor has already established his legend in the sport BUT i do agree that he needs to fight the best out there if he intends to keep his mystique in the eyes of the avid MMA fans... alomst everyone Fedor has faught was bigger then him, Hong Man Chio is 7'2 to Fedor's 6'1 so size isnt that big of a deal with Fedor's talent but i was really impressed by how Rogers was able to use his size against him and bully Fedor into the fence, u can tell Fedor was very unconfortable there... i think if Lesnar tightens up his striking he would deffinately have a good chance at taking Fedor out if they were to ever fight, Rogers was able to make him unconfortable by putting him into the cage BUT Rogers is not a wrestler and has no ground game, image if Lesnar could put Fedor against the fence like that and end up in the top position like Rogers was last night.?. but Fedor is an extremely intelligetn fighter and he'll learn to control the cage like he did the ring so his transition into the cage will be interesting to watch... -Rob
  10. very true i've driven this mans trucks and there is VERY little turbo lag, i didnt WOT or anything( ) but there wasnt much lag at all... not surprised at all by this statement. u can tell by his mannerisms on the video and by the on-screen comments he put into the video... -Rob
  11. yeah me too, ... still dope tho... damn!!! how many ribs on that pulley??? 20+ aye.?. sounds very very interesting... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- sweet pics tho keep them coming!!! no pics Dave??? -Rob
  12. nice setup on it for sure, looks like the corvette sts systems. makes some good power too... werd... -Rob
  13. i'm broke, but get the addy and i'll see if i can give a couple duckets... -Rob
  14. Staples... UPS or Fed-Ex??? -Rob
  15. ooopppsss!!! my bad, i saw that other thread but when i opened it and i could'nt watch the vid at work so i didnt open the thread again latr when i was latr able to watch it... anyways my bad... -Rob
  16. yeah u'll see 14's for sure... GL tomorrow man... make sure u guys get vid's!!! -Rob
  17. saw this on another forum and figured some of u guys might like it, Onstar detects a "Vehicle Event" after Hennessey CTS-V700 pulls a 0.99 longitudinal G in a launch... http://www.motorator.com/videos/998 nothing crazy in the video but i thought i was interesting, btw the Caddy is sick!!! -Rob
  18. r u awd or rwd??? u should see 14's with this cooler weather but i heard its suppoes to heat up this weekend. he did his own cam install... -Rob
  19. right here guay!!! but i cant make it, dammit!!! yeah no sh*t!!! i'm having a halloween/costume party at my pad tomorrow so imma be a little busy too... EDIT: i likes the sig Rey.!. trucks looking good sir... -Rob
  20. i'm 23 also and it's not an age things it's just trying to be considerate of others in the morning. when i leave for work i'm out the door by 6:10 which isnt that early but still the truck is already loud enough in the mornings, and i would f*cking hate for someone to wake me up. think about it this way how pissed would u be if ur neighbor had a POS ricer with a niosey ass fart can? would u be happy to hear that every morning and have it wake u up??? WERD!!! i love the exhuast on my truck but like u said not everyone is a fan of it specailly in the mornings. anyways back to topic, i bought some manual cutouts a LONG ASS time ago but never out them in. for two reason, after thinking about it i dont make enoug power to where i would need them and i know if i open them up i would get too lazy to have to close back up. plus when i installed my LT's i heard how f*gging loud i sounded open piped and I KNOW my block would HATE me if they heard that every morning... but i guess everyone else has gone with dougs and the dhm's, ggood luck with ur choice Greg and remember to post vids of it... -Rob
  21. Ok ur going by wat a compustrike read, in MMA the judge dont just go off of a strike count aggression, ring control, take down attemps and defense, and all around defense. now Shogun did land more leg kicks but it wasnt a devistating amount of kicks just very well thrown, the Chute Boxe Academy(Shogun's gym) specializes in Muay Thai and leg kicks are trained hard on a daily so its not surprizing at all that Shogun hurt Machida so much with leg kicks. BUT Shogun only did damage with those said leg kicks and Machida dodged a lot of them, also Machida did a better job at mixing his strikes in the round with throwing punches to the head, trying to throw leg and head kicks, and countering better then Shogun. also going to the body repeatedly while Shogun almost didnt at all counts a lot in the judges eyes. plus the body strikes he throw were very hard, watch Machida's knees to the body they were devistating. also just because Machida is hurt and Shogun isnt doesnt meanhe didnt hurt him as much, watch the Wanderlei vs. Crocop rematch in Pride, Wandy took some sick body kicks from CroCop and kept moving forwards like nothing had happened so u cant count pure damage to a fighter as the another fighter winning the fight. the other thing i saw was after Shogun's attack on Machida's legs, he went went for a leg kick Machida goes to block it and Shogun misses and hits his rear leg and Machida kinda tripped, well when he went to the ground Shogun rushed him and Machida easily made it back to his feet and that also counts on the judges scoring cards. ur not a really avid MMA fan r u??? also dont hold ur breath waiting for that Rampage vs. Evens fight cuz it aint happening.!. Rampage dropped outta fight to "act" in the "A-Team" movie... -Rob
  22. watching this now and here's wat i see: 1st: MAchida was dominent, landed more hits and better ones at that. 2nd: was good for both with their strikes, Shogun opened up more and landed some leg and body kicks but Machida countered just as good with some leg kicks and right lefts, i see it even because Shogun landed that BRUTAL body kick at the 1:28ish of the round. i mean god damn that $ht made me crinch!!! 3rd: Shogun really started to land some great kicks the Machida's legs and a few to the body, really some sick leg kicks but with the flurry and the end of the round Machida seemed to have landed more but really both fighters only landed one good hit on each other in the exchange. 4th: Shogun lands a decent body kick but Machida lands a good head kick and does a great job at dodging Shoguns kicks in the round, Machida countered with a good right. Shogun lands a knee to the body but both his kick to the body and right punch got completely blocked and Machida lands a great left leg kick and left straight right to the head. 5th: early in the round Shogun throws empty leg kick, which are just kick that dont really land hence why ui can hear the slap of the foot instead of the hard thood of the shin connecting with the leg. Machida lands a good body kick which is quickly countered with a right leg kick from Shogun. Machida blocks a couple of leg kicks and then lands a great knee to the body and a partially knee to the head but Shogun blocks his body kick, Shogun then cliches with him but are soon broken up, Shogun then throws a leg kick that is blocked. Machida again lands a great knee to the body, Shogun then ties him and land a good elbow and right hand on the way out. Shogun comes in with an overhand left which is instantly countered by a overhand right from Machida, but neither lands a good hit. Machida again lands a great knee to the body, Shogun then ties him and land a good elbow and right hand on the way out. Machida throws a good right which sends them into a quick clinch again and the end of the round. Machida lands the right and couldve potentailly seal the round for him. so this is the way i saw it; 1st: Machida dominant 2nd: even because of the sick body kick Shogun landed. 3rd: Shogun lands more great leg and body kicks, with Machida looking to have gotten the better of the echange at the end of the round. 4rd: both land decent openning hit but Machida does a geat job at dodging Shogun's kicks, Shogun lands good knee to the body but Machida has great counter with left leg kick and left straight to the head. 5th: Shogun throw empty kicks, Machida lands good body kick and then lands some grat knees to the body and blocks kicks from Shogun. Shogun lands good hit but Machida landed the more damaging hits and shut out the round with a god straight right. just the way i saw things, love MMA more then any other sport which u can probably all see by this longass post... -Rob
  23. i kinda had a dvd problem for a while, i started with like 3-4 dvd's then every payday i would hit up best buy a bring back at least 1 dvd. i stopped for a little bit then started again but all that stopped recently when i got my house lol, poor guy has more money into the wheels on his competitive bike then on both his SSS and his Beemer... as for myself i think my only hobby now is my house. its my first home and i've only done a few things, chpspecial did a lot of the big work(great contract work!!!) but i'm slowing starting to work on the yard and getting my little garage ready. got a nice bar in there now and finally got my punching bag back which is great for releasing a little stress!!! anyways, u guys have some great hobbies!!! dope looking bikes Alex, i remember my uncle had about 8 of them in Lennox almost all original in GREAT condition when i was a little kid... -Rob
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