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Everything posted by Chevcup47

  1. WOW thats someone with way too much free time
  2. just a few more things to get and do before hitting the track i hope <embed width="448" height="361" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" src="http://i142.photobucket.com/player.swf?file=http://vid142.photobucket.com/albums/r92/Chevcup47/Picture160.flv"></embed>
  3. thats the miricale with powder. once the cure agent thats in it has been baked even with the low cure type its rock hard and wont get soft once its baked. unless of course its in direct contact with fire or flame. ive gotten a test cover we are going to be working with first and ill let everyone know how it comes out.
  4. not exactly what i wanted but it looks good for free any way.......
  5. spray PAM is the best dont get the cheep off brand stuff get PAM the cheep stuff will still let the rubber stick thats what i used on my 68 chevelle when i ran all the time it works great ...........wish i would have rembered it when i took the SSS im still cleanning rubber from the cladding
  6. Ill have to wait and see how mine come out or if its gunna work for sure. before i go and say we may be able to do any others. were making a low cure powder so it will only bake at a max of 240 may even be lower on temp. if mine work ill see if we can do any for anyone else wanting it and if so what it would cost. i might like working for a company that makes powder for powder coating after all if thai works any way.
  7. well i took my covers off to paint just to make them look a bit better and easer to clean. couldnt make my mind up about what kind of paint to use. so while at work today i got to talking to my boss and hes going to do some tests with my covers. said he can make a low cure powder coat in a gloss black like i want and after hes got that done were gunna powder coat my covers. should be alot easer to clean and a whole lot more gloss what do you guys think ??????
  8. ive got mine set up something like yours. except for being run out the stock location. if you want to kill some of the in cab noise and drone all you need to do is. drill 2 holes across from each other in the exhaust pipes in front of the mufflers and weld a cross over pipe in there. it helps in reducinig alot of the cab noise. ill see if i can go take a quick pic of how mine are done and post it in a few ...............
  9. congrats looking really sweet ..............
  10. when i sold my race car i drained the fuel cell and put it in the SSS. it showed a slight change in the way it ran but not alot. oh the race car ran on Avation gas with marvil mystery oil as an additive. av gas runs about the same price around here as regular gas. and has about 105-115 octaine. but you do have to run a lube additive or you will melt down alot of parts.
  11. heres a few pics of the cars and trucks at the cruse in today got alot of on the SSS.
  12. see kids thats what bad drugs make you do ????????
  13. Big you mean you will be at the Jegs display or the cars them selves let me know if i get up there saturday friday ill look ya up....................oops just noticed you wont be there friday
  14. is anyone going to the U.S. Nationals in Indy looks like if everything works out im going on friday just wondering if anyone else from the site may be going also ?
  15. worst reaction time i had all day was a .0571 in time trials the rest were in the .00s just hope i can keep em there gunna try to go again this next staurday and try for the big trophy this time
  16. same thing here. im now always having to log back in when ever i get on the site anymore
  17. went to the strip to play today ran trophy class. truck ran realy strong for the 2 time runs. 1st run a 9.82 2nd was a 9.84.......so i dialed in at a 9.82. ran really good untill my final round pass when it ran a 9.72. making me the runner up and sending me home with the smaller trophy. im happy with how the SSS ran alot of the guys there didnt believe me when i told them its all stock. except for mufflers and a C.A.I. oh and im really happy with my final round reaction time also .0080 with a 2.1569 60 foot will be going back next week if i can. hope everyone else is having fun also. Dale
  18. now for the ferrits George an mimi and the newest addition the kitten
  19. some of our zoo...... fisrt pic is our frog in the tank kinda blury though next is mother and son muts doing there usual next is mom and daughter beagles
  20. ok that just ruined the 3sum thing for me now .......................lol
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