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I know the price varies depending on size & application, and that Line-X lets the individual owners set prices.


I'm curious to know what others were charged who've had this done?


I have a quote (under-the-rail) from a local dealer for $405 and another for $390.

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Rhyno Lining. 400 under the rail, 470 over. Mine is over, but they would not do the plastic tailgate cover. They thought the lining would warp it.


It works GREAT!! things do not slide, but you are still able to push a RC-helicopter in the back. Looks good too!

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  • 4 weeks later...
Ok Ray, where did you get the SS font?  Hmm???  :D



I couldn't find an exact font but I was able to use the "Enterprise" font and modify it for the S's. The only letter in the font that is close is the S, the rest of the "Enterprise" fonts don't match the other letters.


I posted the Silverado SS logo to a font newsgroup but they weren't able to find a font for it. They think it's a graphic.



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