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To our southern members


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It seems like it was close to this time last year when my family was thinking of the people in Florida. Now it seems we are thinking again. As we look at the scenes on the tv and wonder what people are going through I wanted to take the time to say a prayer for everyone in the storm ravaged southern states.


I hope this note finds you and your families safe. Please know that even though I live along way from you my family and I will hold you in our pryers for many days to come. May God bless each and every one of you and guide you through the difficult times....now and ahead.


John Sherbak and family

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Thanks John, that's really nice of you. Florida is pretty much OK so far, but the height of the hurricane season is yet to come. I'm not aware of any Louisiana site members, other than d a n p a y n e. Everything OK where you are d a n ?


And Orlando is still standing... so when are you coming this way again John? :lol:

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Im pretty much alright but my frat house got a huge limb through the back deck. I mean, this thing is HUGE. But itll be ok. I know some people that are from there and they said most of their family got out. But one of my friends said that one of his cousins stayed and they havent heard from him yet. So hopefully he is alright. And I cant get a hold of one of my friends but he should be fine.


All I know if it would have turnd my way then it would have been cat. 3 right when it hit us. And we loose power when the wind blows, so we would be screwed.

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