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diet/workout gurus in here!!


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i know this is the wrong time of year to start a diet but i am going to fort meyers beach fl in febuary and wana look in shape!! i never really had to diet except in high school when i wrestled i ate noodles and salads everyday of the season except weigh in days i wouldnt eat till after weigh in. now that i am 28 kindof got lazy and its time to get back at it.. started working out again this week. trying to watch what i eat but its damn hard!! what do u guys do to stay fit what types of foods do u eat? my goal weight is 150 but that means i have to loose 25lbs by febuary 17.. the race is on!! any thoughts would be great!! anyone tried hydrox cut with their workout?? i tried zantrex 3 a few months ago but it has niacen in it i must be allergic as all hell to that i would get hives everytime i took it!!

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No you're not alergic to niacin - niacin causes a temporary skin flush, that's its job as a supplement and is only useful immediately after workout to help promote rapid absorption of post-workout nutrients.


Loosing 2lbs per week is *very* doable. Fitness is a 3-legged stool, you have to get a complete night's sleep (for your body, some people need more/less), workout regularly but not overdo it, and eat right; when you do all three of these things your body chemistry will change and the weight will just fly off, as well as pack on the muscle. Don't focus on loosing weight - focus instead on gaining muscle, because each pound of added muscle will require 50 calories a day to keep alive, so gaining 10-lbs of muscle you will gain a 500-calorie leg-up on your diet and your own body will eat-up the fat stores even faster.


I started out with the BFL diet and it worked really well, you can tweak on it later after you have reached a basic level of fitness. Eat 6 meals a day (yes, every 2-3 hours) and in each meal have a palm-sized serving of lean meat plus a fist-sized starchy carb (bread, pasta, potatoe), plus a fist-sized serving of vegetables/fruit. I know this sounds rediculous but I maintained my weight at 175 eating 3500-cals a day, any less I started loosing muscle.


Oh yeah, also drink a 8-oz cup of water every hour or so all day long on top of other drinks you have, you must have 1.5-2 gals a day.


Other hints, drop all foods with high fructose corn syrup and trans-fats, period - your body does not know how to metabolize them. No more french fries, the potatoe is good but boiled in trans fats, bad bad bad. No foods having both high sugar plus high fat together (ice cream).


Those are the basics, there's A LOT regarding performance nutrition and your workouts and I've got a ton of really fantastic reading, let me know if you want more. There's a lot more on this topic but that'll get you down the right path. Living 'right' means that you are always eating (grazing). But when you are cramming your face with good food every 2-3 hours you have *no* cravings for junk foods!!! Prepare to do a lot of shopping and cooking.


Mr. P. :)

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there is just so much info about how to drop weight or gain muscle. It sounds like you need more musle instead of dropping weight, 150 would be pretty skinny depending on your size. I started at 225 with like 27.6% body fat, college really messed me up apparently, now i am at 214-217 with around 21%. Lost a decent amount of fat and its still coming up but i bulked up a lot in the past 3 months. If you really want some good info, check out bodybuilding.com in there forum section and you will gain all sorts of knowledge just by searching around. Good Luck

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there is just so much info about how to drop weight or gain muscle.  It sounds like you need more musle instead of dropping weight, 150 would be pretty skinny depending on your size.  I started at 225 with like 27.6% body fat, college really messed me up apparently, now i am at 214-217 with around 21%.  Lost a decent amount of fat and its still coming up but i bulked up a lot in the past 3 months. If you really want some good info, check out bodybuilding.com in there forum section and you will gain all sorts of knowledge just by searching around.  Good Luck

:withstupid: Yup there's some great reading there. And Fox is right, they don't call it a "beer gut" for nothing - when you drink not only is alcohol high calorie, but it also temporarily screws up your body chemistry, in more ways than one!!!

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I hate to sound corny, but I just started the Abs diet, which was developed by someone with Mens Health Magazine. I'm still reading the book, but I like it so far. The workouts are easy, and you can eat plenty of food - 6 meals and snacks per day, but all in moderation. Helps keep you energy steady. Food is mostly turkey, whole grain breads, yogurts, etc. Not too bad. Give it a look - it's gotten some good reviews.

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mr p hit it on the nose beer gut!!! thats really all i need to loose but i do need to change my diet maybe not cut it totally out but pizza is my main food group or i should say was.. black03ss what is the book called?? i might give that a try.. thanks for all help guys.. i read mixed reviews on when to work out.. do u work out before you go to work or when you get home??

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I don't really beleive in one specific diet. Each person is different and no one diet will work for everyone(but weight watchers is pretty good from what I've seen). I maintain my weigth by exercise and eating pretty good. It's all a balancing act, but you need to eat better. Pizza is fine every once in awhile but you can't live on it. Eat better and try to exercise some. Running is great for weight loss, but adding some weight lifting will help a lot. Lots of water if you want your metabolism to stay high. Good luck :cheers:

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Pizza has a lot of sugar (bread crust) plus fat! You just have to eat better. Good rule of thumb is to try and eat well 6/7ths of the time, some people eat whatever they want 1 day a week and as long as they don't exceed their daily calories it is fine. I choose to instead have one splurge meal a day. If you are going to 'splurge' a lot more than that the only thing you can combat it with is a lot of running/cycling and burn it off!


I prefer to workout in the early am, it fits much better into my diet.


Abs diet - decent book, contains a lot of these principles. Another Rodale book I have read and is good is Scrawny To Brawny. The Men's Fitness mag itself is kind of a rag though. But a lot of these books already cover points you can find all over the internet in better fitness sites and forums.


Mr. P.

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i know this is the wrong time of year to start a diet but i am going to fort meyers beach fl in febuary and wana look in shape!!  i never really had to diet except in high school when i wrestled i ate noodles and salads everyday of the season except weigh in days i wouldnt eat till after weigh in.  now that i am 28 kindof got lazy and its time to get back at it.. started working out again this week. trying to watch what i eat but its damn hard!! what do u guys do to stay fit what types of foods do u eat?  my goal weight is 150 but that means i have to loose 25lbs by febuary 17.. the race is on!! any thoughts would be great!!  anyone tried hydrox cut with their workout?? i tried zantrex 3 a few months ago but it has niacen in it i must be allergic as all hell to that i would get hives everytime i took it!!



Finally a question I might be able to help someone with (should have my personal trainers liscence in february). Sounds like your on the right track to getting in shape, you just need a litttle guidence. It sounds like your goal is to get as lean as possible, which can easily be acheieved. I would suggest trying to drop your body fat and add some muscle rather than just loosing fat. I mean if you really only want to loose weight i could make you a diet and you could loose that 25 lbs by the middle of january without doing any cardio and without loosing any muscle. For an example: About a year and a half ago I needed to cut up for the upcoming baseball season and I went from 232lbs 14% body fat to 215lbs 7% body fat in 3 weeks. And I did it by just dieting and no cardio and my strength and muscle mass didn't go down. My point being, loosing 25 lbs in 2 1/2 months is just to easy. :D I would suggest doing a two faze diet. The first faze (since loosing the fat is the most important thing to you) would be a 5 week diet/workout that would get you down to about 150 lbs. Then the next 5 weeks I could adjust your diet/workout so you would maintain a low body fat, but gain muscle. This would require access to a gym like 24 hour fitness. Dont bother getting a trainer from one them, about 90% of the trainers at 24 hour fitness/ balleys etc. dont know what there talking about anyways. I would be willing to set you up a diet/workout program for free. Like I said earlier I will be a certified personal trainer soon and would be willing to help you (if your serious about this) just for the fun of it. If your interested or have any questions shoot me a pm and ill get more into detail about this stuff.


P.S. Dont bother with Hydroxy cut or any of these other name brand weight loss pills. Try D & E Super Cap. Lets just say it will get your metabolism going. :D

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for what its worth...............when i left highschool i was 212 lbs and 6.2% body fat

then university came and i drank like a fish and eat bad all the time...........by my third year i was 245 with 24% bodyfat............i was pretty bummed then i read an article on the rock..........we have similar body sizes and types so after some research i created the ROCK diet for myself...........inside of three weeks i lost 15 lbs..........the secret they say is eating 6 times a day well i was at home all day for a month and still found it very difficult to fit in 5 meals a day............most of the time i had 4 meals a day. by the way i never used any kind of supplement. I went to the gym 4 times a week thats all.


gym workouts changed from two muscle groups a day to 4 and from 3 sets to five and 12-15 reps............however instead of working 4 or five different exercises for each muscle i did two for each thats it and move on.


very important do not spend more than 22 mins on a bike eliptical etc...........each work out


for food it was tough because i was eating the same stuff everyday




oatmeal sooooooooooooooooo important

egg whites better then a protein shake


two rice cakes


lunch 1

cup of cuccumber

brown rice

can of tunna

for taste fat free low cal italian salad dressing


lunch 2

broild chicken

green beans

sweet patatoe





brown rice



if i had time usually after a work out


6 oz steak


assparagas not sure if that is how you spell it :P

cottage cheese


now keep in mind i was on a 3000 cal meal plan


to be at 150 you would need to be at a lower calorie diet portions would just be smaller


i hope the everything works out for you

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I'm no diet or workout guru, but I do know a thing or two about weight loss (for myself at least). This worked for me, but of course, everybody's different.


About 2 or so years ago I was 240 lbs. with a 40 inch waist, and my cholesterol was almost 300. After my wife made me go to the doctor and I found out I was askin for a heart attack by the age of 40, I went on a diet and started exercising. Long story short, in less than 6 months I got my weight down to 165, waist down to a 33, and my cholesterol down to 172. My weight usually stays between 170-175 though...my family tells me that I don't look right at 165. (I'm back up around 185 right now since I've been out of work for the past 3 months with shoulder and elbow surgery, but I'm looking forward to getting back on the horse once I can get back to work...my waist is between 33-34).


Basically, I cut out fatty foods, drank alot of water, and started walking every day, anywhere from 45 minutes to 1.5hrs....usually 2 to 4 miles. I made sure to eat something religiously every 3 hours, about 6 meals a day...small meals. I found that it's important not to miss meals, because when you do, your body thinks it's starving and the next time you do eat, it will extract whatever it can from that meal and store it as fat. I'm convinced that eating alot of small, healthy meals is the key.


I spend alot of time reading the labels on the food I buy now, and stay away from items with alot of sugar or fat calories. Breakfast is usually a bowl of cereal with skim milk and a bananna, and possibly a teaspoon of peanut butter (pb has alot of fat, but it's also full of protein which your body needs to help burn fat and get your energy up in the am) I have granola bars, or crackers, as snacks, alot of tuna, and celery with salsa (which has no calories, just no real nutritional value...it's a good filler to make your mind think that you're eating more). Veggie burgers on light wheat bread with fat free cheese is another item...add some mustard and relish for taste and filler (little to no calories). I've also found Oscar Meyer fat free hot dogs to be tasty. And eat slowly...your mind will think thay you're eating more and your body can digest better.


Unfortunately, beer is a no-no...sugar and empty calories. I literally feel bloated after a night of a few Budweisers.


My next hurdle is quitting smoking (again). I quit smoking the first time I lost the weight believe it or not (most people gain weight, but the diet and exercise worked for me)...unfortunately I fell of that horse too. It's a constant mental struggle, but I plan to beat it once and for all. Like I said, I'm no health nut, I just want to try and live a few years...and look good in the process :thumbs:

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