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Anyone had a stomach Ulcer


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I thought I was too young to have something like a stomach ulcer. But recently I had started having pain in the lower chest area and the only thing that would make it feel better was to eat and or drink a "clear" liquid, I played it off at first thinking I did something at work to hurt myself and figured it would go away. Well the past few days it has gotten worse and my stomach started to hurt as well. Last night it was so bad I could not sleep at all so first thing this morning I had my mom take me to the emergency room because it hurt so bad I could hardly walk let alone drive. They gave me something to drink and said if it's an ulcer you will feel a bit better, but if it's not an ulcer then you will not beable to hold this down and it will come right back up :eek: . Yeah I was excited at this point because the last thing I wanted to find out is that I was in this much pain and was then going to throw up. :sick: Thankfully it stayed down and I started to feel better because it has a numbing effect like novicane. I am still in quite a bit of pain but atleast I have medication and know what the problem is. I just hope the meds work now.

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I feel you man... I got my first one in HS my senior year... doctor said its a combination of being prone to them and stress most of the time if it happens when you're younger.


Drink alot of milk man... I usually try and pound 1 large class of 1% each day... kind of a preventative b/c it soothes the ulcer.


They hurt like a SOB don't they!?!?!

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I feel you man... I got my first one in HS my senior year... doctor said its a combination of being prone to them and stress most of the time if it happens when you're younger.


Drink alot of milk man... I usually try and pound 1 large class of 1% each day... kind of a preventative b/c it soothes the ulcer.


They hurt like a SOB don't they!?!?!

Yeah I feel like I have been hit in the chest with a metal baseball bat. :banghead:

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I've had problems with ulcers since high school. NOT fun!! As stated earlier, stress is usually a big factor. In my case it was a mixture of stress and drinking. Alcohol does not cause ulcers but it can and will aggravate them. Which is one reason I don't drink anymore. You can drink alcohol with ulcers but in moderation. Also avoid spicy foods, gravies and anything with an excessive amount of caffiene. These will also aggravate them. Prilosec, Zantac, Protonix or Nexium work very well to help with the symptoms. Prilosec works best for me. That and learning to leave work at work. Stress reduction is very important.


So, basically stay on your medication, try to relax and watch what you eat and drink. Good luck. Hope you feel better.

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i have one to, cant eat certain foods, but i can drink till it gets mad then i suffer, i take 40mm prilosec and it knocks it down, milk helps to, good luck, but smoking effects it also. i smoke and my doctor says it aggrivates an ulcer also.

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Man that sucks... I had one coming out of the war, but with proper care it's a lot better now...I don't take any meds anymore but I do take a small teaspoon size shot of apple cider vinegar. It keeps those good spirits and finely fermented hops on the menu... :D

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