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Why wasnt i good enough? My girl cheated on me with my BEST FRIEND!!! I would have given everything for this girl, my 25K truck, MY LIFE, why wasnt i good enough??????? I thought i was the best for her!! Maby that is why i am so into material objects, because they will never betray you. any advice guys? (sorry about the sappy story, just need advice on what to do if u guys have any, maby some of you have been in a simmilar situation, hopefully not though...) call me a looser if u must :yellow_loser::tear:

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Guess he wasnt really your best friend.




sucks maan,

but look at it like this....


she wasn't your wife! so you still have your truck! :thumbs:


and she obviously wasn't a keeper anyhow... :smash:


estrogen rots the brain bro...


just keep your head up and a new girl will come along, one thats worth it!

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If he is your TRUE #1 best friend who you confide in, I would absolutely kick the living crap out of him. :sick::smash: To me, that's worse than your girl cheating on you. But apparently he wasn't that good of a friend if you say you would have done it to. So, quit your whining!! :tear: People cheat for a lot of reasons. Not that it's ever right. She could just be a horndog. Everyone looks different, and some people like to sample all the different types of people out there whether it be looks or personality. No one is attracted to just one person. You could have just stopped giving her what she needed, changed as a person, or became "emotionally unavailable." Or, you could just stink in bed.... :confused::D A girl will often date a guy until she finds an "upgrade" or newer model. It's messed up but true. I'd say she was looking for a replacement for a while, and you just didn't know it. As far as the girl goes, screw her. :cool: I'd definately get a new best friend. :cheers:

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Guess he wasnt really your best friend.




sucks maan,

but look at it like this....


she wasn't your wife! so you still have your truck! :thumbs:


and she obviously wasn't a keeper anyhow... :smash:


estrogen rots the brain bro...


just keep your head up and a new girl will come along, one thats worth it!


:withstupid: The "Vagina brain" is very confusing..... Keep your head up man and keep pluggin' along.....

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I know it's tough. :cry::banghead: Try not to let it get you down though. Same exact thing happened to me. I was with her for two years and my best friend since age 4 started sleepin with her behind my back. :sick: It's always a brutal situation to go through. It's double the insult. Most likely it's probably not worth it to go after him because he's not even worth wasting the energy on. All of these types of individuals will get what they were asking for one day. It's KARMA.


Look at it on the flipside though- It's a really good thing you found out and didn't decide to marry her. And now you know that he's not a friend that was ever worth having or holding on to to begin with. Keep your head up, there's always other fish in sea. :)

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ssfromsd, I am sorry to hear that. Remember, its nots you are not good enough for her. She is not good enough for you because someone who cheats on you, especially your BF, is not worthy of being with. Always look out for #1, which is yourself.

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A TRUE friend would not have done that, no matter how hot she is. A decent girl wouldn't have done it either. Sounds like she's trouble to me, and not worth it. Write em' both off. There's plenty of fish in the sea, and plenty of friends that'll keep your back.

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Sorry to hear that. I agree I'd give him a good ass whooping :smash: and kick her to the curb. I feel for ya, I've had my share of girl problems :banghead: , thats why I joined the tag and release team :D . There are plenty of fish in the sea :thumbs:

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Why wasnt i good enough? My girl cheated on me with my BEST FRIEND!!! I would have given everything for this girl, my 25K truck, MY LIFE, why wasnt i good enough??????? I thought i was the best for her!! Maby that is why i am so into material objects, because they will never betray you.  any advice guys? (sorry about the sappy story, just need advice on what to do if u guys have any, maby some of you have been in a simmilar situation, hopefully not though...) call me a looser if u must :yellow_loser:  :tear:


Happend to me before too, and like kaotik says, he wasnt your best friend, you need to bestow an ass whippin into him and never talk to that bitch again. I also posted a post like this about 3 months ago, and yeah its very tough, I still do have feelings for that stupid bitch, but what are you gonna do. The best thing to do is move on as fast as possible, there are always better girls out there. ALWAYS, I already found 2 since my last one ;) ;) ;) lol well good luck man. Feel better and dont try to drink your problems like i did... it only makes more problems! :P Feel better man.

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You are better off without them; they would have stolen from you in a heartbeat. You friends/girlfriends do not stab you in the back for their own gain; and I know how you feel, I've had it happen (as I'm sure all of us here have). I don't know enough about your situation to offer any relationship advice, but you sound like you've got the right attitude, that is you are the best you can be and understand that you can't be everything to everyone; that is just unrealistic.


You can't hate on them for hooking up; OTOH you have every right to be pissed that they did not treat you with respect over the whole deal. If you do choose to get nasty be sure to do it only face-to-face with both of them, and don't go bashing them hatefully behind their backs whatever you do, if others ask just answer gracefully that you were serious about your commitment to her and your relationship, and you are hurt in that they did not show any decency and respect towards you about wanted to take their lives in another direction. Confronting them face-to-face combined with showing self-respect and grace to others will go a long way to shifting the embarrassment and spotlight off you and onto them.


The right woman (and friend for that matter) is the one that makes every part of your life better. EscaladeSS is right, if she wants to go her own way then let her go and steer clear, chalk it up as a bad hit and move on.


Mr. P.

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You are better off without them; they would have stolen from you in a heartbeat.  You friends/girlfriends do not stab you in the back for their own gain; and I know how you feel, I've had it happen (as I'm sure all of us here have).  I don't know enough about your situation to offer any relationship advice, but you sound like you've got the right attitude, that is you are the best you can be and understand that you can't be everything to everyone; that is just unrealistic.


You can't hate on them for hooking up; OTOH you have every right to be pissed that they did not treat you with respect over the whole deal.  If you do choose to get nasty be sure to do it only face-to-face with both of them, and don't go bashing them hatefully behind their backs whatever you do, if others ask just answer gracefully that you were serious about your commitment to her and your relationship, and you are hurt in that they did not show any decency and respect towards you about wanted to take their lives in another direction.  Confronting them face-to-face combined with showing self-respect and grace to others will go a long way to shifting the embarrassment and spotlight off you and onto them.


The right woman (and friend for that matter) is the one that makes every part of your life better.  EscaladeSS is right, if she wants to go her own way then let her go and steer clear, chalk it up as a bad hit and move on.


Mr. P.



Well Said :cheers:

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Don't fight him. Just walk away from both of them. Delete their phone numbers.


If you stay friends you won't ever trust him around your women again.

If your like brothers, just bump him down the friend ladder a couple of rungs. Keep your friendship light and casual. Make him earn your true friendship back.

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