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thats why I joined the tag and release team
If it has Tits or Wheels, It's gonna cause you problems!

Wise words to live by!


Keep your head up bro, she must not have been Ms. Right - just Ms. Right Now. I think MisterP gave the best reply so far... so I won't even try to top that. And, as was said earlier, you still have your truck, and all your friends here on the site. Things aren't as bad as they may seem. :D

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my first reaction is to kick both of there asses...reaction #2 is to kick his ass and get a female to kick hers..#3 just walk away either way not a good situation to be in...just try to stay out of jail..iam one of those people who will get you back worse than you did me...but that dosent solve anything and usually make things worse in the long run...so just walk away ...it husrts no matter what but you will spend less in lawer fees

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No need for the hate just forget about the girl and take the friend out for drinks as in a friendly gesture, get him compleatly wasted and hook him up with the ugliest fattest girl you can find and make sure you get pictures and show everyone :devil::devil: that would be more fun i think

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  • 3 months later...

yea we were together for another couple months but then she up and dumps me again out of the blue for some faggot with a mini van? what the **** should i do? help me out, no matter how much alcohol i drink i cant stop thinking about her. Im sol on this deal....

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letr her go dude the summer is here you will find plenty in the summer. as for your friend i would either knock him out, never speak to him again or when he finds A GIRL move in for the co@@@ck block and get him back that way, but a good beaten would do fine

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Ok, this is going to sound real harsh, but it has to be said.


Stop being such a P***y! You said that she dumped you before for some dude in a mini van! You should have learned right then and there that she wasn't the one for you. I went through this a few years ago and I eventually learned my lesson. My fiance at the time and my best friend were hooking up behind my back and I found out one week away from the wedding date. Good thing I didn't marry that dumb hoe. As for my friend, I talked to him about it and told him that we would never be bro's again. There was nothing that I had to say to him from that point. We went our separate ways, and life was so much better without the drama. I was something like 20 years old at the time. Fastforward to the future: I'm married now to a beautiful and understanding woman. I trust this woman with everything. You will get over this and move on. When you meet that special someone, you will laugh at yourself for being such a cry baby about loosing this girl. I hope I'm not hurting your feelings with this post because I'm just saying what I would say to my own brothers. You will move on and hopefully it will be without them in your life.

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You can do what this guy did http://www.ebaumsworld.com/homebase.html  :crackup:

:crackup::crackup::crackup: OMG That's so wrong, but somehow soooo right :lol: Poor mailbox!


ssfromsd - I'm really sorry to hear that you are really hurting over all this; and you better not be drinking alone or we're going to have to send someone out there to kick your ass! I'm going to just flat-out tell you that people who come-and-go in-and-out of your life are destructive to your personal well-being. You've got to realize that - that no matter what you feel for her, it does not change the fact she is ****ed-up worse than a football bat. You have got to accept her for who she really is. People are funny...


Mr. P.

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