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Anti-war Activists


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Thanks for saying that, Dyls...Im pickin up what you're puttin down. I just tend to get a lot more pissed off about it...


Those Phelps and godhatesfags.com are not Christians. They have perverted it to serve their own (repressed self) hate. Remember those who scream against gay ppl the most are usually gay themselves...And they are using religion to further an agenda which is not cohesive with the religious affiliation they claim. Yet in their screwed up minds, they think they are right.


I stopped going to my church when a minister there told me that Hurricane Katrina was divine punishment for 'the sin that goes on on Bourbon Street in NOLA.'


I live in Cali now...I say, do what ever the hell you want to do, but dont try to force me to do it...as long as no one gets hurt by what you are doing, go for it.


Protesting peaceably is our right given to us by the Constitution, and is what the troops are supposed to be fighting for, for us and for the Iraqi people...

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I would voice my thoughts on anti war protestors but it would prolly be censored and blocked.....but on a second thought afganistan is getting kinda expecially after coming out of a winter in alaska be back in the states soon

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:mad: that would not fly with me!!!!! PULL THAT SHIT WHERE I CAN SEE IT AND WE'LL HAVE A OURSELVES A HELLOFA FIGHT. as i veteran........if i can be sent to clean someone elses mess i will damn sure not having trash in my backyard. :flag:
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...Those Phelps and godhatesfags.com are not Christians.  They have perverted it to serve their own (repressed self) hate.  Remember those who scream against gay ppl the most are usually gay themselves...And they are using religion to further an agenda which is not cohesive with the religious affiliation they claim.  Yet in their screwed up minds, they think they are right. ...

It occured to me that we are just taking the wrong approach here - what we need to do is call Janet Reno, have her send another group of FBI guys over to deal with these nuts like the Branch Dividians and ... problem solved! :D


Mr. P. :)

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In my opinion you can be for or against the war all you want, but there is no reason to protest either way. Protesting isn't going to gain them anything other than being labled. As for going to the funerals to protest, those people deserve to have the seven gun solute aimed at them. :mad:

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Those people enrage me. Dissagree with the war or anything else that's fine but you will not ruin the funeral of anyone of my Marines or good friends. I have with other Marines removed protestors from funerals. It's a matter of principal and respect.


Funeral of Corpsman Nathan Martens God Speed Buddy Semper-Fi

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I've noticed that, most are a bunch of Nam Vets.... They look really scary but really are some of the nicest guys you've ever met. They do soo much for the families of the kids who are gettin killed it's amazing.

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vets stop one


and bikers


There is also a group (bike club of vetrans whose club name I can't remember now) who are following the "church" group around blocking the families of the fallen from seeing the protestors.


I won't get into the war itself, that's now what this thread is about.


This is the one group I know about.


Patriot Guard Riders

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In my opinion you can be for or against the war all you want, but there is no reason to protest either way. Protesting isn't going to gain them anything other than being labled. As for going to the funerals to protest, those people deserve to have the seven gun solute aimed at them.  :mad:


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The one thing these idiots want is for somebody to whoop there $ss then they can sue and use the money to fund them at the next funeral.


Now you can believe the media or not but the world as we know it now is not the same. The morons across the pond don’t give a crap about you. They want nothing more than to see you dead and will do any thing to make it happen. You can sit back in your leather chair and type about how we are there for the wrong reason. The fact is these idiots are protesting against the folks who gave them the freedom of speech to do it.


100% support for the guys that have the sack to do it. The military! Some of the guys, in here in fact. :flag:



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