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May 1st ,and people who arent going to work!


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I'm with the rest of you. I don't get why they're doing it other than to try and make it seem like we need them in the workforce. I hope legislation is passed that makes it so if they're in the country illegally they are forced to learn English and all that if they want to stay. I'm gonna be frank here but if they leave their jobs and the company fires them, who cares there are plenty more people who would love to have that job. The workers can be replaced.

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I'm with the rest of you.  I don't get why they're doing it other than to try and make it seem like we need them in the workforce.  I hope legislation is passed that makes it so if they're in the country illegally they are forced to learn English and all that if they want to stay.  I'm gonna be frank here but if they leave their jobs and the company fires them, who cares there are plenty more people who would love to have that job.  The workers can be replaced.


One thing to note, we DO need them in the work force to keep our current cost of living. Without illegal farm labor, the vast majority of California produce would have to go up in price as you won't find a citizen that'll work for the same labor. And if you know just how agricultural the state is, you'll understand that a rise in costs in CA will affect everyone.


What we don't need is for them to enter the country illegally to do this work, what we do need is some form of a guest worker program.


That said, a single day boycott won't do much at all to the economy. An entire harvest season boycott would be devastating, but it will never happen, as the illegals who come here seasonally to earn money to take back to mexico for their families won't miss out on the opportunity to work.

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I think it's something that will hurt their cause more than they will help it. When Immigrants make up something like less than 35% total of our unskilled workforce I don't think that it will bring us to a screeching halt. Most of those people are legal in this country and it really doesn't matter to them if they shut down the border because they did it right and can come back.... So nothing bad I believe that every american has rights protected under the constution... unfortunatly an illeagle immigrant does not... simply because they first broke the law by coming in, and second they are not a citizen. So I don't think we can just ship them all back our government has allowed this for too long... too many families such like the one employed by the DVK, to do that. But I would support a temporary worker program, not citizenship, and possible the persons may live here without coming back, but not having the rights as an american citizen, ie to vote or such, but to live work and enjoy our great county. But if they break the law, or fail to re-register, sorry they get to go back and re-apply starting from the beginning like everyone else. anyway that's my $0.02 :chevy:

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I think it's something that will hurt their cause more than they will help it. When Immigrants make up something like less than 35% total of our unskilled workforce I don't think that it will bring us to a screeching halt.


While that is true, it impacts CA more than anywhere else... and being that CA is the 5th largest economy IN THE WORLD it in turn impacts the rest of the US. The migrant farm workers, produce and agricultural processing will be hardest hit, lower production in those industries translates to smaller shipments, impacting distribution, packaging, freight, etc. Eventually costing jobs in those industries in a long term situation.


While I don't think it will completely decimate the economy... a CA without immagrant labor will definitely have an impact. Not likely to see it in the short term, but a long term labor stoppage could have catastrophic effects IMHO.

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The way I look at it.. and yeah I am a mix of everything including american indian.


If you take the time out of your day to miss work even if you go to a protest it shows that your views are not really as clear as you say they are. There are more important things going on in this country than the immgration laws. They do need to clamp down. Social security is a joke. Unions are being crushed for one reason or another and we are still loosing all of our work overseas.. good job G dub. I really belive this is just another smoke screen to distract people from other more important things going on. But I do find it funny that all of a sudden everyone is so proud of your heritage.. you are mexican great.. You are in America now. You don't see many americans that go over to other counties running around with a big red white and blue banner saying shoot me do you? Other countries alot of them treat americans like second rate citizens and what do we do? Oh welfare medicare social security.. sure come on over.


Fack it.


I belive if you are sitting on your ass today you should sit on your ass till you find a new job because it shows you care more about yourself than the country that gives you hand outs.




Land of the free.. and lead by the stupid.







*these opinions stated do not reflect the views of anyone at the fox network *

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I'm with the rest of you.  I don't get why they're doing it other than to try and make it seem like we need them in the workforce.  I hope legislation is passed that makes it so if they're in the country illegally they are forced to learn English and all that if they want to stay.  I'm gonna be frank here but if they leave their jobs and the company fires them, who cares there are plenty more people who would love to have that job.  The workers can be replaced.


One thing to note, we DO need them in the work force to keep our current cost of living. Without illegal farm labor, the vast majority of California produce would have to go up in price as you won't find a citizen that'll work for the same labor. And if you know just how agricultural the state is, you'll understand that a rise in costs in CA will affect everyone.


What we don't need is for them to enter the country illegally to do this work, what we do need is some form of a guest worker program.


That said, a single day boycott won't do much at all to the economy. An entire harvest season boycott would be devastating, but it will never happen, as the illegals who come here seasonally to earn money to take back to mexico for their families won't miss out on the opportunity to work.

I disagree; as shown in the last 10-years, these people will be largely automated out of a job, the writing's on the wall and it's just a matter of time.


AFA the May 1 walkout - we have two hispanic people here today, apparently they didn't get the memo.


I am personally prejudiced on the illegal immigrant issue. My first love inherited 80-acres of almonds and 300-acres of peaches in Escalon, CA; in that 12 years (until she finally sold the place) she was raped twice by immigrant wet-back labor. I guess it is something that I have never been able to forgive, I have never looked at illegal/transient people the same since.


I agree very strongly with Dylan's point that THESE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION, and should be treated likewise.


Mr. P.

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I'm with the rest of you.  I don't get why they're doing it other than to try and make it seem like we need them in the workforce.  I hope legislation is passed that makes it so if they're in the country illegally they are forced to learn English and all that if they want to stay.  I'm gonna be frank here but if they leave their jobs and the company fires them, who cares there are plenty more people who would love to have that job.  The workers can be replaced.


One thing to note, we DO need them in the work force to keep our current cost of living. Without illegal farm labor, the vast majority of California produce would have to go up in price as you won't find a citizen that'll work for the same labor. And if you know just how agricultural the state is, you'll understand that a rise in costs in CA will affect everyone.


What we don't need is for them to enter the country illegally to do this work, what we do need is some form of a guest worker program.


That said, a single day boycott won't do much at all to the economy. An entire harvest season boycott would be devastating, but it will never happen, as the illegals who come here seasonally to earn money to take back to mexico for their families won't miss out on the opportunity to work.

I disagree; as shown in the last 10-years, these people will be largely automated out of a job, the writing's on the wall and it's just a matter of time.


AFA the May 1 walkout - we have two hispanic people here today, apparently they didn't get the memo.


I am personally prejudiced on the illegal immigrant issue. My first love inherited 80-acres of almonds and 300-acres of peaches in Escalon, CA; in that 12 years (until she finally sold the place) she was raped twice by immigrant wet-back labor. I guess it is something that I have never been able to forgive, I have never looked at illegal/transient people the same since.


I agree very strongly with Dylan's point that THESE PEOPLE DO NOT HAVE ANY RIGHTS UNDER THE CONSTITUTION, and should be treated likewise.


Mr. P.


Talking to someone raised on a CA farm and connected to many other farmers of all types of crops...


For SOME crops, automation is aboslutely possible. Look at the raisin industry over the past ten years. Contract work crews (illegals) drove up their rates tremendously, combined with very low price per ton of raisin, and now what took a crew of 50 before can be done by two or three. :cheers: Wine Grapes and table grapes on the other hand cannot benefit from those advances and still require large crews to harvest. And a large group of my close friends grow wine and table grapes and are very concerned about what is going on and a need for a guest worker program as there are no viable automated options for harvest.


Same can be applied to many fruits, berries and vegetables. Some can be automated, others simply cannot. :(


And as to your prejudice... My mom faced a similar threat and had she not been walking with our 12 year old, blind lab at the time, she is certain that the gang of wetbacks that stopped in front of her would have done something similar. She now carries a gun when she is out walking from that scare. :mad: Combine that with watching a pair of "savages" swerve across the road to run over some families cat as well as the same situation occur with my family's cat growing up. No sympathy at all from me. :mad:

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Talking to someone raised on a CA farm and connected to many other farmers of all types of crops...


For SOME crops, automation is aboslutely possible.  Look at the raisin industry over the past ten years.  Contract work crews (illegals) drove up their rates tremendously, combined with very low price per ton of raisin, and now what took a crew of 50 before can be done by two or three.  :cheers:  Wine Grapes and table grapes on the other hand cannot benefit from those advances and still require large crews to harvest.  And a large group of my close friends grow wine and table grapes and are very concerned about what is going on and a need for a guest worker program as there are no viable automated options for harvest.


Same can be applied to many fruits, berries and vegetables.  Some can be automated, others simply cannot.  :(


And as to your prejudice...  My mom faced a similar threat and had she not been walking with our 12 year old, blind lab at the time, she is certain that the gang of wetbacks that stopped in front of her would have done something similar.  She now carries a gun when she is out walking from that scare.  :mad:  Combine that with watching a pair of "savages" swerve across the road to run over some families cat as well as the same situation occur with my family's cat growing up.  No sympathy at all from me.  :mad:

:thumbs: My exact sentiments.

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They have the balls to sing the National Anthem in spanish and change the words. They can kiss my ass. They pay no taxes, Send there money back to Mexico, get free health care in the U.S. Take spots at U.S. colleges so U.S. citizans kids can't get accepted. Companys that hire illeagls should be fined out the ass. College kids can't find summer word because of the illeagls. :banghead:

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Hey, I was thinking - there might be a silver lining to this... if today also means we will see fewer illegals waiting in line in hospitals, ER rooms, city traffic, and public school systems we just might need to have more of these 'illegal immigrant holidays'. :jester:

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Legal citizenship = :thumbs:


Illegal = :smash:


I have no problem with those who gain legal citizenship here and contribute positively to our society. I am tired of those illegal ones that continue to overpopulate areas and cause trouble.


Come over legally, learn the right language, and be a law biding citizen and I have no problems with you. Something has to be done or I am afraid the US will turn into a terrible place to live 20 years from now. There are a lot of different nationalities that this applies to not just the hispanics, but they are the majority causing the uproar. I don't agree with it at all.


The US needs to raise the minimum wage so that maybe some of the lazy f***ing Americans would get off welfare. Then we would not have such a high demand for illegal immigrants who will work for dirt cheap.


I could go on forever about this but I am going to shut up now....

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The US needs to raise the minimum wage so that maybe some of the lazy f***ing Americans would get off welfare.  Then we would not have such a high demand for illegal immigrants who will work for dirt cheap.


I could go on forever about this but I am going to shut up now....

Raising the minimum wage is always a bad move. It will seem good for a few months, but is one of the biggest fuels for inflation. Once prices rise to compensate, those on minimum wage will be just as bad off as they were before.

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