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May 1st ,and people who arent going to work!


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As a citizen of this fine country, I agree with almost all of you who posted here. I am an American. Both my parents are Cuban-Americans (legal US citizens now). They came to this country and sacrificed everything they had to make a new beginning here. When they got here, they did what they had to do to work and live here legally. When they were able to, they filed the proper paperwork and became US citizens. This is the way things are supposed to be done. What these people are doing is demanding rights for ILLEGAL ALIENS in this country. They should have been checking and deporting these people at all those rallies. Would that ever happen? No. It should, though. While they do provide a service to this country by doing the menial labor others refuse to do, it does not pardon their legal transgressions. They broke the law getting in this country. They break the law working in this country. They consume our fiducial resources (free medical, free schools, no taxes). They need to stand in line if they want to live in this country, just like everyone else does and has done.

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I really don't give a shit who you are, what color you are, or where you're from. If you're not a legal citizen, then STFU and GTFO. I agree with what others had said, INS and other authorities should attend these gatherings, they'd have thousands of illegals right in the palm of their hands ready for deportation.


Like others have said, I'm also so unbelievably sick and tired of these wetbacks waving their mexican flags and singing the national anthem in spanish. Mexico was so bad they had to come here to make a better life....yet they still fly their flag proudly? Screw that, they should be :flag: if they're honestly so happy to be here. And I don't give a crap if spanish is recognized as a second language. It's quickly becoming the primary language. I'm sick and tired of not being able to order a burger at the drive-thru because the shmuck can't speak a lick of english. My neighbors are Dominican, with 2 sons and a daughter (24, 25, 27) The mother and father have been here for over 30 frigin years, and yet the mother STILL can't speak ANY english?! I'm serious, all she can say are a few simple phrases "Hello. Hi. How are you? Good" Thats IT.


They call America the melting pot. I'm wondering when it'll be changed to the Stink Pot. Whats going to happen in 20 years, as someone else said, when America has fallen down hill head-first because of all this crap? We don't need to worry about sending back the illegals. Pile them on a bus and send it over a cliff, while stationing snipers at the border with orders to KOS.


As human beings, it's everyones right to lead a good life. But that right instantly becomes null when they go about it the wrong way.


My .02 :mad:

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Mexico was so bad they had to come here to make a better life....yet they still fly their flag proudly?

Exactly. Something Carlos Mencia said: Living in Mexico is so bad that immigrants would rather live in San Bernadino :puke: than go back to Mexico! :lol:

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