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May 1st ,and people who arent going to work!


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ok im not trying to stir things up, i just want to hear some opinions . TOPIC: how many latino's are not going to work may 1st .


IMO, i think its stupid. if i owned a business, i would say ok if your just not going to work today because its the thing to do, you can go ahead and stay off forever.I think its stupid for other hardworkers to have to pick up there slack. Ex, at a big steel construction business i know are letting them take off may 1st but allowing them to work on satuday for time and half or sunday for double time. I dont see how it is proving a point!

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i'm working, but I work for my self, so i dont see how not working will prove anything in my case. and i agree with you chase, its dumb that people are taking monday off, and making up for it wiht another day.

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I would hope those who don't have a good reason to leave their jobs get fired. JMO




Too many things about this boycott/walkout/lazy day piss me off, starting with the State senate passing a resolution in support of it. :mad:

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my father owns a produce supplier company that i work for and i'm at work here now (5:30am i might add :sick: ).. half of the hispanics that said they weren't going to be here this morning are here. still waiting for the other half to show(30+ employees). i think it's going to be a fairly long and hectic day if the other half do what they planned.


like most of you had commented, if they don't show, they don't have to worry about showing up the rest of the week, month, or year for that matter... they're done here in other words.


it's pathetic what they're protesting against and to go about protesting the nation and screwing their workplace is not welcomed here!

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What is it gonna prove if they stay home? Yet another group of people wanting special not equal treatment. I have nothing against those who want to work and earn an honest living, but come on. What would they think if every law enforcement agency in the country actually cracked down on illegals and deported them all...no excuses, no questions asked. If we actually policed all of our borders and kept them out in the first place. As I see it you have to be careful what you ask for, because you might get it and you may not like how it turns out.



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I am at work, we are all immigrants to this land-excuse me native americans:)


This is BS to distract us from gas prices, guys diying overseas, and the mess that we have created... I support everybody who is taking this day off to show suppport not sitting on their butts talking about it...if you chose to take action-do it, but goto a protest, go voulenteer but dont use this as a lazy ass american excuse to get a day off-the guys in Iraq dont get a day off! And if your service today is shitty then we should revisit this topic and give some thanks to people who DO help get work done in this lazy country...sorry I dont want to be at work myself:)

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They are trying to prove you need the particular race in the work force but if ANY race took a day off it would hurt the economy why are they so special?

I do not mean to offend anyone.

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Living here on a border town actually everyone here is sick of this :sick:

Everyone showed up here at work, and really I am just tired of hearing about it, I think people are starving for attention, but it's good..... if it's only for the right reasons. Awhile back we had high school students walk out of class and when the news interviewed some of them, they had no clue as to why there was a walk out, they just wanted to be cool and get outta class. what really pisses me off is waiving the Mexican flag around in America. :mad::mad: Goes to show how uneducated people are............ :yellow_loser:

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stick them on a bus and send them back. How can illegals complain about anything? If they would enter the county legally they wouldn't have to worry about the BS. We've made it without them in the past. We need to build a big @ss wall on the border that goes about 10 feet into the ground and 20 feet high. Something has to be done. :banghead:

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If they were citizens of the US then its their right to assemble and protest... but a lot of them aren't... so I'm really on the fence about it. I have a guy working for me who is the son of illegal immagrants... He came to me last week and asked permission to take the day off today... I granted it to him b/c he works hard and I think as a legal citizen (birth right) of this country he has the right to peacefully assemble and protest in support of his beliefs, so I support that :flag:

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