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I mean really... I can't count how many close calls I have a week because some mental midget is behind the wheel of a car. Either the standards for issuing licences need to be increased or there needs to be Marshall Law on the roads so police and qualified individuals (like myself) have the freedom to dish out healthy doses of ass kicking to anyone who demonstrates a lack of driving ability.




Now that I've said that... heres some pics of my brothers GTO... had it just over a month and on his way to work today some moron pulls out of a parking lot into traffic right in front of my brother.


To top it off the **** cops who showed up on scene wrote my lil bro up for window tint, no front plate (Not sure how that works since he hasn't been issued a plate yet. He still has paper dealer plates) and to top it off modified exhaust... BUT ITS STILL BONE STOCK!! :banghead: The cops had the nerve to make him start it and rev it up while he stood there holding his neck complaining that it hurt.... then they wrote the ticket!! I can't wait to see this go to court when he shows the judge that the exhaust is still stock... I suggested filing suit against the officers for neglecting to pay attention to his possible neck injury while they falsely ticketed him for exhaust modifications he doesn't have :mad:


Anyways... heres the pics...















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sucks........i have that happen all the time. when they get close i scream out the window "Daddys getting a new front end!" they move quickly after that........ sucks that stupid people get issued licences. i remember when i got my licence we needed a 50 hour temp driving thing....everyone needs it no one does it and the gov. wonders why were all such bad drivers.


hope your brother is ok

ill put in a prayer tonight

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wow, what the fock , is all i can really think of right now, i would definately report the pigs for that, i know you will come out on top in court! they were probbaly just jeolous that your bro has a nicer car than them.


marshall law :thumbs:


hey i may stop by in a bit dylan, you going to be home, send me a pm, or wait for my call!

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To top it off the **** cops who showed up on scene wrote my lil bro up for window tint, no front plate (Not sure how that works since he hasn't been issued a plate yet. He still has paper dealer plates) and to top it off modified exhaust... BUT ITS STILL BONE STOCK!! :banghead:  The cops had the nerve to make him start it and rev it up while he stood there holding his neck complaining that it hurt.... then they wrote the ticket!! I can't wait to see this go to court when he shows the judge that the exhaust is still stock... I suggested filing suit against the officers for neglecting to pay attention to his possible neck injury while they falsely ticketed him for exhaust modifications he doesn't have  :mad:


sounds like something the PD would do up here... :banghead:


I know we have some cool PD here on this site, but this guy obivously is NOT one of them.... :nonod:


Have your brother hang his ass...maybe he'll start doing what he is supposed to, ya know! Protect and Serve... not harass and torment!!


If it were me I'd spend the dough on a kick ass lawyer JUST to embarass the officer in court... :smash:


and people wonder why the PD gets minimal respect, its cause the power abusers that ruin the whole image! *cough* *cough* stitches040 *cough* :jester:




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and people wonder why the PD gets minimal respect, its cause the power abusers that ruin the whole image! *cough* *cough* stitches040 *cough*  :jester:



WOW Escalade SS .... I'm Hurt .... :D Cough ... Cough ...


I couldn't agree more that there are a bunch of Yahoo's out there hiding behind a badge, due to years of ridicule and abuse by their peers .... Obviously you don't know all of us ... Cough Cough *Escalade SS* Cough... :jester:


As for Dylan's brother .... I would contest the ticket. I know it's a pain in the arse, but you have to go to court and fight for what's right. The number plate issue, along with OEM exhaust is a BS charge. But, the damage is done, and you have to move forward to fix it. (yes it may be a pain to go to court for the day).


Just remember, we had two officers in my department, 1 FT and 1 PT. Both were a little "Scetchy" to say the least ... Both no longer work for us. Why, due to BS tickets, complaints by the public, complaints by the Sergeants and getting caught in the occasional lie.....


I know California is a whole different animal from where I'm from ...

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dylan all i know is you seem to have a lot of anger....plus its also seems you are a dick magnet :D


Angry? Yes.


Dick magnet? In a way I guess that makes sense... it would explain why you (lacking a dick) never feel compelled to visit so cal :jester:

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A similar issue happened to me with an accident that i had in my lifted 02 silverado. I ran over a civic, literally (pic on the left) and the cop had the nerve to write me a ticket for blacked out headlights, tailights, and having my windows tinted to deep.


The whole exhaust thing is BS, hope your brother comes out on top in the court systems Dylan and hope his neck doesnt give him problems in the future. Good luck to you and your bro

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I hope your brother is ok. Yeah it does seem that the higher the blue book the more likely it is to be involved in a collision right after purchase :sigh: I would certainly argue the 'unqualified' charges, make that officer look like he is not qualified to do his job.



Mr. P.

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Man that's sucks ass. I hate cops like that, my GF had a simular incident about 3 months ago. After some a-hole side swiped her and spun her out in to two other cars the cops tried blaming her for the accident. Saying that really didn't happen, that she was lying. :banghead:


By the way, does your brother still have his SS? Or did he trade it in for the GTO?

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