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I think a local highway patrolwoman likes me


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So today coming home from work I am approaching a rise in the road (yes, now that you ask I *was* hauling ass :driving: ) and the radar detector goes instantly from nothing to screaming BUSTED, no warning or anything, so I panic and dive on the brake, then a split second later see the highway patrolman; we pass, and I see in the rear-view the blinker come on and he's making a U-turn...


After being pulled over the patrolman gets out and it is a local highway patrol-WOMAN. Now it is most people's experience that female officers are zero-tolerance biatch-attitude cops, and this lady is no exception, she has a real reputation in these parts as a severe ball buster. But we've met before at 12:30am about a year ago and she remembers me (why yes, I was speeding then too!), at the time we had a good 15-minute chit chat by flashlight; well I thought we had a nice chit-chat anyway...


So today - she tells me that she's just instant-on'd me at 73 in a 55 and to hand over my paperwork. :sigh: She's filling out the clipboard, and she asks how I've been, how's things been at the USTRC ( :eek: OMG, she remembered from a year ago where I work?!) So we get to talking for another good 10-minutes about each other, finally she says, "Well, you make it so hard for me - you are really nice..." and then gently busts my chops for not wearing a seatbelt ("I know, I know..." :ughdance: ) She says to me "I'm writing you up for not wearing your seatbelt, you should have it on - but I'm giving you a warning for the speed".




Funny thing is, I really think this woman likes me! :lol: If not I sure must have struck a chord, because she really remembers me! She *is* pretty cute. I love strong women; is it just me, or are women with guns truly attractive?! I think I'm in love! I think tomorrow I'll drop by the DPS office and leave some spring flowers... :lol:





Mr. P. :)

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Oh I can already see you guys are going to get a lot of mileage out of this one  :lol:  Nothing says I Love You like 9mm hollow-points...


You need to get with smilin Bob about that 9mm deal there :jester:



At least you had a better experience than I did...You gotta hate that instant on.



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