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anyone see this


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Did anyone watch this yet? I don't know what to think. Thinking back on the pictures I saw on 9/11/01 I was thinking "thats a big hole but where's the wings and the tail? I know that they would fall off or have a debris trail. Then naaaa what else could it be? Washingtom said its a boeing 757!"




I was never one to beleave in a conspiracy but this could make me think twice about it.

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this video started a big controversy over on perftrucks.net. it has some very good points . i will give it that i honestl dont think the recent video posted resembles a plne but hey we will never know for sure!

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So are you telling me that things DO NOT disintegrate at 300knots? Are you guys thinking that there should be some evidence of the wings and fuselage left over after a impact like that, and considering the amount of fuel onboard? Im sure Im not telling you guys anything you don't already know but the wings are made up entirley of light weight materials, aluminum, honeycomb, CF.


Just blows my mind that someone would think that this did not happen, let me guess the two airline aircraft that hit the towers....didn't really happen either? Come on


Maybe Im a little bias on this, I have served this country for 16years now and I admitt we do some dumb shit from time to time, but this is too far!

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Did the wings fall off the planes that hit the towers? :dunno: I watched the 2nd plane hit on live tv and don't remember, but I don't remember there being anything left over from those plans. I don't really think the goverment shot the pentegon with a missle.

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Did the wings fall off the planes that hit the towers?  :dunno: I watched the 2nd plane hit on live tv and don't remember, but I don't remember there being anything left over from those plans. I don't really think the goverment shot the pentegon with a missle.

yea they were covered in a little building :crazy:


looking at the impact it was too small (the pentagon)

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So are you telling me that things DO NOT disintegrate at 300knots? Are you guys thinking that there should be some evidence of the wings and fuselage left over after a impact like that, and considering the amount of fuel onboard? Im sure Im not telling you guys anything you don't already know but the wings are made up entirley of light weight materials, aluminum, honeycomb, CF.


Just blows my mind that someone would think that this did not happen, let me guess the two airline aircraft that hit the towers....didn't really happen either? Come on


Maybe Im a little bias on this, I have served this country for 16years now and I admitt we do some dumb shit from time to time, but this is too far!


Don't you know 9/11 never happened!! JK :jester: I think the video is BS and I don't believe the "conspiracy". I would rather see raw footage that some edited video. Who knows what people could add to an edited video like the first :P If you look hard enouhg I think you can see my SS truck parked out front :crazy:


PS This is just my opinion and does not reflect the views or opinions of silveadoss.com or other SS members lol :crackup: Mike are you watching :troll:

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I would think the damage would be a lot worse from a 757 though, who knows though, as for the vid, hell it could be tweaked a little as well. In the vid right before the plane hit or whatever, it just looks very small for it to be a 757. The link and the part after it about a conspiracy i didnt even notice, i just copied and pasted the link but i must of copied a little more than i thought.

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For the pentagon strike, there were people on Washington Blvd (100yds from the pentagon, grass sits between the building and the road) whose cars were damaged by the jetwash as the 757 flew over at an extremely low altitude and knocked over a bunch of light poles.


I know a number of people who were working in Crystal City at the time that had to walk home. One of my girlfriend's co-workers was IN the pentagon when it was struck, and confirms that there was a lingering stench of Jet fuel for a long period of time. Thousands of people heard and felt the explosion from that jet fuel and could see the plume of smoke as a result, it's not just some superimposed video edit.


That area is a huge traffic bottleneck from 6:30am til after 10am every day, with easily over 100,000+ people working in buildings 10+ stories within a mile, with the pentagon easily visible to well over 10,000 people at any given moment. Had it NOT been a plane, there would be a hell of a lot MORE people claiming that it was something else.


Tenbase on fullsizechevy works for a printer toner cartridge company that services the DC metro area. Three of the driver's that he works with personally witnessed the 757 hit the pentagon.



A plane never hit the pentagon, MY ASS. :jester:

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And if a plane didnt hit the pentagon, what happened to the 100+ people onboard the plane? I guess everyone is sitting in protective custody under new names and identities, or better yet they were killed by the government to hide the truth.....


P.S. the Da Vinci Code is a complete conspiracy too, Theres a video about the Da Vinci Code too, very convincing...Dan Brown isnt telling the whole truth either...

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Im sure Im not telling you guys anything you don't already know but the wings are made up entirley of light weight materials, aluminum, honeycomb, CF.


Fuel too I believe....

The 757, like most commercial aircraft, have three fuel tanks. A left wing tank, a right wing tank and a center section tank. Each wing tank holds 14,600 pounds of fuel and the center tank carries 46,200 pounds for a total of 75,400 useable pounds or 11,253 gallons.


I watched a large plane that had a runway mishap a couple of years ago, it ran into a building, and there was a small round hole in the damaged building. First thing I thought of was these "conspiracy" stories...

The wings are NOT made for surviving large impacts. On ANY plane.

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