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My truck may be on PINKS


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Went to Gainseville Racewat Friday night for test and tune & to watch PINKS. I got there just as they were getting ready to film and got into the staging lanes just before they closed them, I was in the 2nd lane in the front just a little ways from the cars running on the show ( a beater 77 280Z and a early 80's Monte Carlo). Everytime they would pan back to the cars I was right there :D , I watched the the whole episode from right behind the burn out box. I may be on the show, one of the camera men was doing some filming around there and liked my shirt and wanted some close ups, my shirt was a ParanZ racing shirt and the back said Hell Ya It's Fast Dumb Ass and he thought it was :cool::D Guess thats my 15min of fame :crackup:

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It was good to meet you, Tim.


And your shirt was how I knew it was you...I saw the truck and walked over...I was about to ask who's truck it was, and then I saw your shirt (with the Chevy logo)...and figured that might be you.






Something else to look out for if you see this particular show...the red light on the tree of the right lane.


At the test-n-tune, the last run before the filming was 2 bikes (one guy is a friend of mine, the other was one of his friends, a bike newbie)...and the guy in the right lane went down on the launch.


He hit the gas, spun...then it hooked, so the bike popped up...went left, rode up the concrete barrier between the lanes...and he finally went down when his left shoulder / helmet hit the tree and broke off the red light!!!


He dropped down, and actually dislocated his right arm on the landing...


Ambulance carried him off, and filming started. He's OK.


But they (G'ville raceway staff) duct taped the red light back on, but it looked weird.


Watch for it!


- Brian

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I'll have to remember to look for the duct tape. lol Who knows when the next season will air? Definitely wanna see the races my friend ran.


I wondered what happened to ya Orion. No-one had posted on the other thread since me. Think I'm a thread killer. They always die after I post. :driving:

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I don't think so...I think when that's happened, it's be pre-arranged by the guys competing.


At least that's the feel I got.


For example...when the Z-car lost in the first taping last weekend, they were quick to pull back up to the pit lanes, and SCRAMBLED to remove the standalone (a Haltech add-on, from what I could tell...the car was worth maybe $3000, and the Haltech was probably $2000 more...I'd keep it too!!!).


If he was gettting the car back, I think they would have left it in place.


For the "victory" pass, the car barely ran...hehe.


??? - Brian

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I highly doubt the assertions of staging or scripted outcomes by the show. As I have stated, I know one of those that competed this past weekend. I have no doubt that he would not have been involved in such a scenario. Trust me, you don't pull this guy's strings.


As to the "do they or don't they sell back?" I looked at the Pinks website and watched his FAQ vid.


He states "Racers lose cars. That's the reality of this show. People keep asking me "Do people really lose cars?" Yes they do but here's the deal, by law, the racer who wins the other racer's car can do whatever they want with it. One second after the cameras stop rolling, one second after I hand them the title, those racers can give the car back, sell the car back, burn the car at the track, sell the car on ebay. That's not up to me but when they're racing on the show, they're racing for titles. They sign the titles over to me and I award them to the racer who performed the most adequately on the show."


Seems rather clear to me that, yes, the winner could sell the car back to the loser if they so choose. But that would be between those racers. So they aren't deceiving anyone when they state and display the awarded winner receiving the vehicle at the end. No different really then a "Price is Right" contestant selling some car or boat they won afterwards. It's their's to do with as they want.

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so , was it staged? did the winner have to sell the car back for 100 bucks? let us know the details!





I don't think so...I think when that's happened, it's be pre-arranged by the guys competing.


At least that's the feel I got.


For example...when the Z-car lost in the first taping last weekend, they were quick to pull back up to the pit lanes, and SCRAMBLED to remove the standalone (a Haltech add-on, from what I could tell...the car was worth maybe $3000, and the Haltech was probably $2000 more...I'd keep it too!!!).


If he was gettting the car back, I think they would have left it in place.


For the "victory" pass, the car barely ran...hehe.


??? - Brian


the second episode they filmed was an 81 chevy luv and a 69 chevy p/u, the love one but let keep the truck and just took the team shirts they were wearing :D

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