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Short story and a question


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Yesterday evening I went down to Home Depot to get some stuff. While looking around in one aisle, I see this guy about 20ft. away shuffling through a handful of pieces of paper. As he turns to walk away I notice that he drops something. I yelled to him that he dropped something and he looks towards me for a second then walks around the corner. Absolutely no response or acknowledgement from him at all. Curiosity gets the best of me and I walk down and pick up the piece of paper. It's a scratch off instant lottery ticket! A quick scan reveals it's also a $1000.00 winner. :eek:


So I started looking for the guy and spot him a couple aisles over. I walk up to him and from about 10ft. away I said "Hey, you dropped this in the other aisle."

This guy just gives me a blank stare and turns to walk away again so I raised my voice a little and said "Oh, this must not be your lottery ticket" He immediately turns around red-faced walks up to me and says "oh yeah, that's mine." He grabs the ticket out of my hand and walks away without so much as a "thank you " or " kiss my a$$" or anything. :dunno:


Everyone I've told this story to says they would not have even tried to give it back. His bad luck, my good luck. I gave it back because it wasn't mine. :banghead: Just the way I was raised, I guess. Even though the guy was an A$$ I still felt good about giving it back.


What do you think? Should I have kept it? What would you do?

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If you told him he dropped something twice and didnt acknoledge you i would of kept it. If i had a winning lottery ticket for a $1000 in my pocket I would have my hand on it at all times till that b!tch was cashed

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hmm that give me an idea for a prank, you can but those lottey tickets that are fake(10k winner) from spencers , it woould be pretty funny if you dropped it right in front of somebody to see what they do!


in your case after telling him twice i would have thought well that must mean it was meant for me to find and keep . or if he didnt say anything and just came and ripped it out of my hand i would have held on to tightly so when he yanked it , it would tear in half! at least sayt thank you. sorry call me a dick if you want !

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Your A.O.K. in my book.  As stated above, your gesture will be rewarded.


Not looking for a reward or a pat on the back. I know I did the right thing. Just can't believe how many people said I was stupid for doing it. :confused:


Ever watch "My name is Earl".  :D


Only watched it once or twice. Funny thing is my legal name is Earl but I've always gone by Bob.

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Tough one! I guess it would depend on my mood at the time. This does kinda confirm a philosophy I have about how a$$hole type people and slackers seem to fall into luck, but honest straight-up people have to bust their a$$ to get anywhere. Even with that said, I still have to have faith in the idea that honesty and hard work will be rewarded. Handouts are for slackers I guess. If I did give it back, I probably would have said something to point out the fact that he was being a big dick about it.



P.S. I no longer give my money to Home Depot -- too many discouraging experiences. Lowes now gets my business. My personnal opinion

Edited by tehoatim (see edit history)
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One word for you, KARMA!


What you did will be done to you ten fold somewhere down the line. You did the right thing in my book although I don't know if I would have been so nice after asking a few times and him acting the way he did. I would have at least called the guy and @$$hole! :D


BTW: I found $57.00 attached to a money clip at work a few months ago and it's still sitting in my truck to this day. I totally believe in karma hence the reason for not spending it. I won't turn it in because I know whoever I turn it into to will spend it. :nono:




P.S. I no longer give my money to Home Depot -- too many discouraging experiences. Lowes now gets my business. My personnal opinion




I feel the same way!

Edited by r8rs4lf (see edit history)
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