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All-around Diet


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Startin to go to the gym again. I have protein powder and creatine but I wanted to help things with my diet. Anybody have any all around well balanced diet ideas for bringin on muscle and burning all that trapped whiskey off? :)

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Body For Life (Bill Phillips)


I found this book a great introduction/explaination on how to eat correctly and I recommend it for that reason as a fitness starting point; it really goes over the basics, how to eat right, sleep right, exercise right and keep it all in balance. The only thing that I initially added to the BFL routine was pre- and post- workout nutrition, I think for simplicity's sake this is omitted from BFL but if you are trying to build muscle then you are going to want to add a serving of protein powder before workout as well as a liquid protein/carb "meal" immediately after workout, in addition to your basic 6 healthy meals a day.


Mr. P. :)

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hey cali, i recently started going to the gym also and started to get good results. I don't know when you go to the gym but here is what I do...


wake up, eat a slice of wheat bread with peanut butter and a glass of milk.


go to the gym... 30 mins of cardio (some people say do wheights first, i do cardio first). 30-45 mins of lifting. low wheight, high reps.. get a good burn going on.


go home, drink a serving of muscle milk (powder supplement)


eat lunch, dinner.


don't eat nothing too heavy in carbs at the end of the day (once again, some people say this does not matter).


You want to eat high carbs, energy foods at the start of the day and then just lower your intake as the day goes by. you will burn all that energy during the day.


Try not to eat too much Mc D's, BK...... focus on chicken breast and tuna. mmmmmm!


That is what I do, it works for me. I dropped 8 pounds the first week I did this. Good luck.


oh yeah, Body For Life, Good book...

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That sounds like a pretty good routine. I'm already taking muscle milk, it recommends 2-3 servings a day. What other kinds of food are good to eat? I can never think of anything healthy beside gettin a sandwich or a salad for lunch. How many times a week do you go to the gym? I used to try for 3 times a week.


I think I might try somthin like this:


Monday - Cardio warm-up, Chest, Tri's, Abs


Tuesday - Cardio warm-up, Back, Bi's, Legs


Thursday - Shoulders, Fore-Arms, Cardio, Abs


Just thought that up, any recommendations?

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Are you trying to lose weight and gain muscle or just gain muscle for the most part? If you want to lose weight and get cut up your best bet is to more or less stay away from lifting heavy in the beginning and go on a cut with lots of cardio, once you drop weight then go on a slight bulk to gain the muscle but keep the fat off. There is a ton of info all over the net, just gotta search for it. bodybuilding.com is pretty decent and has many sections broken down for you to really focus on what you want to do

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:withstupid: bodybuilding.net is a really good resource. I suggest BFL only because Phillips was able to explain in a very simple way how to correctly nourish yourself (whether you are working out or not). The only foods I shun are those containing hydrogenated oils and/or high-fructose corn syrup. The only foods I moderate are alcohol, and those containing both high fat + high carb (ex: ice cream). Everything else is pretty much good for you provided you consume in the correct amounts and at the right times of the day (based on when your workouts are).


Mr. P.

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oh yeah vitamins and stuff help as well for a few things. Fish oils are very good for you, green tea extract plus numerous others, cant really get into all of them but like I said check out that website and you shall learn a ton of info

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Here's my .02...FWIW, I manage 3 independent health clubs (the business end), but I don't regularly work out.


I'm a business guy who happens to work for a health club...not a healthy guy who's learned the business of gyms.


But what I do know:


1) Protein, creatine, supplements, etc...you don't need them in this stage of your workout. You need a good, balanced diet...a multivitamin...and you need to know how many calories your body needs ona daily basis.


2) Find a gym around you and do a "metabolic test", or "RMR test" (resting metabolic rate). It'll tell you how many calories your body needs at rest, like if you laid on the ouch all day. Once you know that, then you can determine how much to eat to lose weight, bulk up, whatever...but it's kind of the bottom floor IMO.


And remember, one pound is 3500 calories...so if your RMR tells you that you burn 2200 calories a day...and you burn an additonal 500 at the gym...you need to eat 2700 to maintain, more to bulk up, and less to lose weight. Easy stuff.


If you have 20lbs to lose...you'll lose a quick 5-8lbs when you first start, maybe in the first 2 weeks...then you're limited to maybe 2lbs per week (doing it the healthy way).


That's a 500 calorie deficit per day to lose 1lb per week...or based on my example above, 2200 calories a day, but you'll burn those extra 500 per day by working out.




And this isn't for a "diet" in the "girly" sense...this is more important than most body builders chose to accept. And you can't cheat it.


Aside from doing the actual work, the ONLY thing that matters is "Calories in, calories out"




Supplements have their place, but not if you're just starting.


And some are better than others.


Creatine may work for that big-ass guy at the gym counter, but not for you.


And DO NOT trust the average GNC worker...they know how to sell you expensive stuff to make commission - Not what YOU need, specifically.




My only "reccomendation" is pick a workout schedule, and stick to it. If you're not seeing results fast enough, DO NOT just try something else, then switch the next week again, etc...you can't rush this. Your body can't be tricked into growing faster or slower.


90% of your results are gonna be based on your individual make up...so thank your parents for that.


The other 10% can be influenced...but there's no magic pill, powder, or shake.




Anyway, food for thought.


- Brian

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All protein diet TUNA, Chicken, Turkey breast. Lots of veggies brown rice and wheat bread. Milk, AND WATER, WATER, WATER... Protein supplement, Vitamans.

Usally spend about 30-45 of running and about a hour of working out. Make sure you strech before and after.

You will have strong gain and lose fat if you stick to it.


Mon Chest, Abs, Cardio

Tue Back, Light Legs, Cardio

Wed Shoulder's, Abs, Cardio

Thur ALL LEGS, No Cardio

Friday Arms , Abs, Cardio


Sat and Sun OFF


NO Fast food, No SODAS.

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Body For Life (Bill Phillips)


I found this book a great introduction/explaination on how to eat correctly and I recommend it for that reason as a fitness starting point; it really goes over the basics, how to eat right, sleep right, exercise right and keep it all in balance.  The only thing that I initially added to the BFL routine was pre- and post- workout nutrition, I think for simplicity's sake this is omitted from BFL but if you are trying to build muscle then you are going to want to add a serving of protein powder before workout as well as a liquid protein/carb "meal" immediately after workout, in addition to your basic 6 healthy meals a day.


Mr. P. :)


:withstupid: There is nothing out there that can compare to this as far as I'm concerned. You don't have to read the whole book or anything, just get the jist of it online and once you start you won't want to stop. If you are are strict enough to follow this system, the results will be amazing!! It is by far the best routine results wise that I have ever used.

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ill get a little more in depth with this in a bit sorry if i repeat what others have already written. no more fast food....if its fryin your dyin. no more soda. try and keep off the sweets. eat a lot though....of vegetables. fiber is your friend in weight loss. fish and chicken are very big and for building muscles fish and red meat are great. eat carbs, dont starve yourself just keep it high fiber with a lot of protien, carbs and fats (good fats). excersice regularly but dont starve yourself unless youll binge eat and eventually get bored of the gym.

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Wow, so much great info :thumbs: Screw bodybuilding.net, you guys got all the advice in here. So it sounds like I got some shapin up to do...no fast food, no soda, lots of eating. So what exactly are foods with lots of fiber, or foods with good fats? I can't go to the gym everyday, but what would be a good 3 day routine? I do the best when I have somthin strict to follow, its too easy to slack when you don't have a routine.


Correct me if I'm wrong, this is what I got from you guys:


Foods (good): Chicken, turkey breast, tuna, fiber, fish, red meat (slightly cooked?), vegetables, brown rice, wheat bread, my muscle milk?


Foods (bad): Any fast food, bad fats, soda, probably lots more too.


My mom has the BFL book, I'll check it out too.

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Wow, so much great info  :thumbs:  Screw bodybuilding.net, you guys got all the advice in here. So it sounds like I got some shapin up to do...no fast food, no soda, lots of eating. So what exactly are foods with lots of fiber, or foods with good fats? I can't go to the gym everyday, but what would be a good 3 day routine? I do the best when I have somthin strict to follow, its too easy to slack when you don't have a routine.


Correct me if I'm wrong, this is what I got from you guys:


Foods (good): Chicken, turkey breast, tuna, fiber, fish, red meat (slightly cooked?), vegetables, brown rice, wheat bread, my muscle milk?


Foods (bad): Any fast food, bad fats, soda, probably lots more too.


My mom has the BFL book, I'll check it out too.



As for a 3 day routine a good one is a push, pull, legs routine.


For the food you got it. Its all what about fits your needs.



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Well I'm just goin to try to stick to those kinds of foods and eat healthy. Gonna try to go to the gym 3 times a week. And see how that works. I mainly just wanna burn fat off my stomach everything else I just wanna tone and bulk alittle.


For lifting is the pyramid technique good:


ie. 70lbs - 12 reps

80lbs - 10 reps

90lbs - 8 reps

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