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Ever get arrested for 5 minutes?


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I got a call saying I dont have work tomorrow, so that means I dont have to be up at 5am so I decided to go out to the bar for a few drinks and dinner. I met a few friends, shot some pool and ended up playing ping pong for a good 1.5hrs. To make a long story short, cops tend to wait outside this place from time to time. Well I was leaving, about 12:30am and there was a kid in front of me which I didnt know. We walk out and there are two cops just hanging out right there, well the kid in front of me decided hes going to get sick, pukes everywhere then takes off running. Well the police thought I was with him so next thing I know I'm getting grabbed by two officers. They took me partly down and within seconds somehow I was in cuffs. They started asking me questions like who was the kid etc, etc. And I told them I didnt know, well they werent havent that so i got to sit there for a few minutes untill they caught the puke bandit, I still got crap about it untill and officer I knew finally showed up and asked me if I was with the kid, I told him no and he was just walking in front of me, we started BS'in for a while then he checked with the bartenders to see how much I drank so I didnt get myself in trouble with driving. I only had 4 beers in about 3.5 hours so I was uncuffed and able to stand like normal. We got to BS'in a little more and started laughing about the whole thing, this cop I have know for years and is a cool dude, but it was just a freak thing and I thought I was screwed. In the end I was able to leave and the kid puking got a nice ride in the back of a cop car

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congrats!!! a few months ago we did kinda of a scavenger hunt in miami with some other people...nothing TOOOO illegal just mischevious crap. anyways apparently there was another scavenger hunt going on in another school and there was a "black truck" (we were in my friends black 2005 tundra) throwing fireworks and eggs out of the truck....sooooo anyways i ran off to this golf course to get a flag and when im back sure enough...all my friends are on the corner of the street be questioned. long story short he lightens up and sees we arent doing that many bad things and then we start making jokes and we all take pics on the cop car...a lotta cops are cool :thumbs: although im scared of this one guy that i know because hes gonna be a cop and his ex openly had a crush on me even when they were dating and it made him furious hes always been on "edge" with me. but never wanted to try anything i guess hes a nice guy but he can have his temper and vendetta....sorry i trailed off there! :ughdance: studying for finals and red bull does that

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Now that we are on cop stories, just some advice to the other "underage" guys out there, fake id's are not worth it. I got caught trying to get in to a bar w/ my buddies id and got caught. (shouldve known better, on Mill Ave at ASU) long story short i had to take 16 hours of alcohol classes even though i was not drinking (yet) or driving and they also suspended my drivers license for 6 months, yes my drivers license. You cannot get a restricted to drive to work or school since it is not a DUI? ya didn't make much sense to me either, we've contacted lawyers and they tell us we are just spinning our wheels and to just wait it out...moral of the story- drink at home til youre 21...it's cheaper and safe.

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I've never been arrested, but my bike was when I was like 12. I leave it alone for 5mins and when I come back it's being shoved in the back of a patrol car. :eek:

I don't know what the crap he was going to take it for. :dunno:

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I've never been arrested, but my bike was when I was like 12.  I leave it alone for 5mins and when I come back it's being shoved in the back of a patrol car. :eek:

I don't know what the crap he was going to take it for. :dunno:

Haha thats pretty funny, Good thing you werent doing anything stupid and you would of joined your bike in the cop car, I have first hand experience!!! I bet no one here got a DUI while riding their bike, oh and I was 13 at the time also, community service sucked :banghead:


I've been arrested for more than 5 minutes.  :D  :banghead:  I was even nice enough to ask the cop before I got out of the car if I should put the cuff's back on. The cop was not as amused as I.

yeah I have been arrested for a tad longer than 5 minutes before as well, but dont ever recall anything this stupid like last night

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A couple of year ago, a few budides and I rented a ford crown vic bought some make shift uniforms and reflector jackets and hid on the road next to my friend (Ryan) house and set up a fake speed trap, using a tripod and a camera. One of my friends goes over to Ryan's place and gets him to drive towards us. But before we could pull him over and pretend to give him a ticket, a real cop comes over and arrests us for impersonation. After some good persuasive arguments he lets us off with a warning.

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i got arrested and and released on site once because of an a$$hole cop trying to make example of me. i had strobe lights on my cbr in the head and tail light and turned them on one night in a parking lot where about 200 riders meet up on saturday nights and there is always a cop that sits across the street and watches us. he saw me turn on my strobe with the bike parked and i was not even on it came over and said he got calls of someone on a bike with strobes lights pulling behind cars and pretending to be a cop. needless so say he arrested and released me on site for impersonating a police officer.

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A couple of year ago, a few budides and I rented a ford crown vic bought some make shift uniforms and reflector jackets and hid on the road next to my friend (Ryan) house and set up a fake speed trap, using a tripod and a camera.  One of my friends goes over to Ryan's place and gets him to drive towards us.  But before we could pull him over and pretend to give him a ticket, a real cop comes over and arrests us for impersonation.  After some good persuasive arguments he lets us off with a warning.

now that is funny :crackup:

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