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Meth lab burned down by me


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I got home yesterday about 4pm and my neighbors (behind me) shed burn to the ground :confused: , the firetrucks were still there. I did not think much of it things happen. Well I had to take my neice home and got back about 9pm and I see the cops and some detectives there, still no big deal. My aunt lives next to them and my dad lives next to me, the neighborhood is not bad but I do live in a very rural area :confused: I dont like it much but what the hell it is quiet. I knew the little old lady that lived there before, her kids made her sell and move in with them, the people who moved in did not look out of the ordinary (for around here, redneck area :D ). My aunt comes into my shop and tells us they were running a meth lab out of the shed :eek: . Appearently one of the :yellow_loser: opens the shed door and has a lit cigarette while the other :yellow_loser: is cooking :wtf: and boom. Now haz-mat has the area roped off as a contaminated. :dupe:

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You never had suspicion of a meth lab before they got busted? You couldn't smell it? When I drive out of town in rural areas you can easily smell meth labs, they usual use old barns. North Dakota is a huge producer of meth.

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montana is a huge producer of the crap too :mad: !!! If you guys have seen the anti-meth advertisements on the internet or on bilboards and stuff... that all started here... some rich dude's son died due to the use of meth and he is determined to make sure that nobody makes the same mistake.... i think they call it the Montana Meth Project...

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I would not have burned it down if I knew about, I would have called the cops :jester:

You never had suspicion of a meth lab before they got busted? You couldn't smell it? When I drive out of town in rural areas you can easily smell meth labs, they usual use old barns. North Dakota is a huge producer of meth.


I smelled some strange smell at times but did not know what it was :dunno: Never smelled it before, never been around it, I know what those little green trees smell like :D . I heard them making noise at all hours of the night sometimes and thought about calling the cops but their response sucks out here.

Damn Meth labs, I hope those guys got burned.

One guy got burned pretty good and their not sure if he's gonna make it the other guy that got burned took off before the fire trucks and rescue arrived.

It was still smoldering when I got home last night.

This county is known for Meth, the sherriff does not due much about it, he does not know how to run the sherriff dept (they run on the good ol boy system)

Edited by tawss04 (see edit history)
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meths really bad here too there was a local fire cheif that got caught and had a shitload of it in his locker lol. ive seen so many people i knows life go down the drain cause of this stuff. please dont try it if u havent done it. one time is all it takes....

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We have alot of it here also, being deemed the meth capitol of the U.S. Alot of those retards go out to farmers fields and use a garden hose on a large anhydrous spray tank in the field and syphon some out. Their trick around here is to modify a propane tank (off a gas grille) and load it up with anhydrous.


My friends brother was a unfortunate victim of meth. He got involved in making a mobile meth lab in his mom's van. A buddy would drive them out to local gas stations, drug stores, etc- Buy a few hundred pseudoephedrine tablets, some lithium batteries, filters, etc.....Steal some anhyrous from a farmers spray tank, then take off driving down country roads and he would cook this crap in the truck while they were driving around!!!


Guess they did'nt realize the reason why the brass fittings on the propane tank turning a green color meant all sorts of trouble. One night they were out making this crap, and the propane tank decided to rupture at the valve (anhydrous and brass fittings don't mix) while he was holding it between his legs :eek:


Needless to say that it fried his family jewels and other important parts, while creating a gas inside the vehicle, causing both to inhale it, partially freeze their lungs, making his buddy loose control of the van and run off the road, rolling the vehicle and totaling it out.


Now is meth dangerous? Yeah you could say that. Does it make you a freaking retard?? It must, because once they got out of the hospital, they started again until getting caught. Now their both in the clink for a very long time .... :shakehead:

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I got home yesterday after work and what was left of the shed was still smoldering :dunno: Last night about 3:30amI heard a load pop, did not think much of it, by the third time I heard it I got up to see what the hell was going on, I look out my window and the dam thing was on fire again :eek: . This time they used a foam to put it out :pop: It was fun to watch it burn

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