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HPtuners question...upgrade?


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I bought HPtuners off of a guy at the local tuner shop. Of course he got it from someone else. I got a decent deal considering I can tune all 03 trucks, and 98(I think) vettes. The catch is to upgrade I need a application key. HP has passed thru a couple of hands and I don't know the guy who originally bought it. It does work, but it would be really nice to have the upgrade. Is there any other way to upgrade or can someone hook a brother up? Thanks



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Have you asked that question to the people that sell it? I had some similar issues with EFILive. I had two versions, both of which I paid for, but lost the key to one. I emailed them the serial number and they sent me my key code for what I had originally bought and the next 4 upgrades after.

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I just e-mailed them. The first response was to have the original owner e-mail them a transfer...I don't know who that is. If I had the key# I could unlock the upgrade, I already downloaded it. Man they have that stuff locked up tight. I e-mailed them again asking if I could pay a one time fee for the upgrade...it would be worth it at this point.



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I just e-mailed them. The first response was to have the original owner e-mail them a transfer...I don't know who that is. If I had the key# I could unlock the upgrade, I already downloaded it. Man they have that stuff locked up tight. I e-mailed them again asking if I could pay a one time fee for the upgrade...it would be worth it at this point.




HPTuners just answered a similar question for me by saying.

the VCM Suite info file, lists all his current licenses. You can generate the file using Help -> VCM Suite Info.


Hopefully, this will list your serial number as well.




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All I can say is that Keith is awesome. I e-mailed him a couple of times at 11pm and received answers within 15 minutes. He transferred the licenses for me and I now have 2.1 Right on!! I bought HP used and they took care of me like this, man what customer service!! :thumbs::cheers:



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