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Burning DVD's?


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Ok i have a DVD burner on my comp and I can burn them, however the quality isnt all that great most of the time. I'm not sure if its the file size or what.


Example: I downloaded Scary Movie 4 that was ripped from a DVD from someone else. The total file size was 701mb. Now the DVD disks says 4.8GB of data possible but this is what comfuses me. If I try to burn it in its high quality stage to DVD it says I am over the limit by like a 1000mb or something crazy like that, maybe even more. However I can burn it using regular format but thats when you can really tell the DVD is kinda choppy, almost to digitalized and you can see the pixels showing.


Maybe it is just my program or something or I am not doing something I need to be. I have Sonic Record Now with MYDVD. It says MYDVD plus in the file but I dont think it is for some reason. I can get access to any other program that would be better than SONIC but I dont know what I need. I believe my write speed is also around 8x for burning DVD's and 52x for CD's.


It also takes forever to burn friggin DVD, almost makes it to much of a hassle to do it but thought I would see what I can do to get it better quality and even speed things up.



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I use Nero, seems to work well, and for most movie copies takes about half an hour. Far as I can tell no image loss. Possible that the program i does not convert well, are you storing to the harddrive temp first them to the dvd?

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Well it goes to my download folder till i can burn it, but thats the problem it just seems to be sh!tty quality for what it is. If I open the vid up in the folder it is crystal clear just not when I burn it. What is your burn speed using nero? Maybe I just need to upgrade my standard DVD burner

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the reason it's crappy, you're downloading dvd rips that are in mpeg4 format (divx)...when you burn a dvd using sonic it's converting it to mpeg2 (what normal dvds are encoded in)


In my opinon, get dvd shrink, anyDVD, and nero. Get a membership to your fav rental house with unlimited rentals and burn your own.


If you have a divx dvd player, then just get gordian knot and make your own rips so that you can fit 4-6 movies on a single dvd w/o much image loss.


for a wealth of more info Doom9.org

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What is the file extension of the movie you are trying to burn? If you have a copy of a movie at 700MB then it will no doubt be lower in quality than you want.


It sounds like your movie was ripped to a divx or .avi format. This is typical of movies you download from the web. If you have a physical copy of the disk and are planning on ripping it to your hard drive try the program dvdshrink. It's free and out there on the web. Basically you can rip a full DVD with or without compression. You can also use this program to burn to a single layer DVD.



Kiss beat me to it


Edited by TomSSS (see edit history)
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well I just installed NERO 7 Ultra edition so we'll see how it goes tomorrow, I got work in 6hrs so i'm getting some sleep. Many people told me to get rid of SONIC cause its to basic, nero will convert everything to what I need correctly so we'll see.

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the quality of the movies are great actually. I ended up switching over to NERO 7 ultra edition and its much better than the Sonic crap I had. Now I just need to get more memory to help out. I thought I had more but i'm only running 512mb

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